Eduard Albert Meier

From Billy Meier

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The entire website is about Eduard Albert Meier. More information is available... [continue reading]

Who is Billy Meier?

'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) was born in Bülach, Switzerland on the 3rd of February, 1937 and currently resides at the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center (SSSC), Hinterschmidrüti, Switzerland, which he helped build and establish. For over 80 years he has been regularly communicating face to face and telepathically with extraterrestrial human beings and has published that information. As one might envisage, over such a brilliant quantity of time, they've managed to explain everything in full. An extraordinary quality of interesting facts, opinions and perspectives we've never known before, and still don't honestly, how could we in reality (and that's part of why they are doing it). All of which has been inciting enough to initiate many thousands from around the world to read into everything. He has had a life rich with all different kinds of experiences in many countries, many of which were extremely difficult, nonetheless important and useful for his evolution and mission in life. [continue reading] (external)
Introduction to Billy in English by FIGU Canada. (external)
Introduction to Billy in English by FIGU Australia. (external)
Introduction to Billy in English by Michael Horn in U.S.


Special wiki index of all Billy related information.

Eduard Meier's general life timeline

Please note: source hasn't been verified for some entries, requires veracity and citation from original books.

1937 – Billy Meier is born in Bülach, Switzerland on the 3rd of February. [continue reading]

Light Years by Gary Kinder - One A

A description of Eduard Meier found in a book called Light Years written by Gary Kinder which is all about him and his life; in section One A.

"History first mentions the village of Hinwil, Switzerland in a document dated 745. Thirty miles southeast of Zurich, it nestles in a landscape of rolling green hills pocketed by large islands of forest a hundred feet tall, with the Alps rising in the distance. Hinwil itself, perhaps, would disappoint the tourist looking for the charm of alpine architecture: though chalk-white chalets shuttered in green rise from the village core and scatter among the hills, many stark buildings constructed of concrete have risen in their midst. They resemble not so much the quaint cottages in travel brochures as they do utilitarian apartment buildings erected in the 1950s and '60s in the United States.

But a short distance from the village center, along the street Wihaldenstrasse, stands a three-story farmhouse built a hundred years ago. During the mid-1970s, summer grape vines climbed the sunny south wall of the old house. Flowers filled a stone water trough to the north near the entrance, and small birds fluttered in an aviary built of wood and wire. To the south and east of the house lay a small green field, and to the north and west stood more of the cold, institutional apartment buildings.

The community of Hinwil had acquired the old farm years before and built the surrounding apartments to house senior citizens. Though the farmhouse someday soon would be torn down to make room for more apartments, the community now rented the house for a nominal sum to an unemployed night watchman, Eduard Meier. Meier lived in the house with his Greek wife, Kaliope, nicknamed Popi, and three small children-a girl, Nina, a boy, Atlantis, and the baby, Bashenko. They had been living in the house since December 1973 though they had lived elsewhere in Hinwil for two years.

Meier, a man of thirty-seven, had a sixth-grade education. He was not a very big man, maybe five feet, seven inches tall, but he was thick-chested and strong. His face was handsome, set off by unusual greenish-hazel eyes. According to village records, Meier's professions were "bird breeder, iron layer, night watchman." He held a permit to carry a gun because he had once worked as night security in a factory. [continue reading]

Source: Light Years Gary Kinder PDF (external)

Common misconceptions

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Explanation about the broad subject of why



Q: Why do Plejaren visit Billy on his birthday consistently if they don’t celebrate annual celebrations?

A: When on Earth they do as the Earth folks do,[citation needed] aside that it establishes a seasonal rhythm, and Billy has a special date and time according to explanations given by The High Council / Arahat Athersata.[citation needed] So they tend to bring new seams of knowledge to Billy on his birthday, thus why his birthday Contact Reports are found to interest most readers.
