This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Semjase was 330 years old in 1975,[1] which corresponds approximately to an Earth 33 year old, if proportioned to our understanding, see The Seven Main Periods in the Human Life. She's about 1.7 meters (5.5 ft.) tall[citation needed] and is a slender, young, pretty woman with fair skin, blue eyes and light-blond, fine[citation needed] hair.
Her very long and somewhat forward-placed earlobes[citation needed] is among the few special, and distinguishing, racial characteristics or features that she has. Constituting the main visually apparent anatomical difference, compared with an Earth woman. Beside this there is an overall and generally better, fitter, superior physical proportionality, which isn't necessarily immediately apparent. For all intents and purposes she looks just like an Earth woman. All the Plejaren and even many Plejaren Federation humans look somewhat similar, see The 7 Main Factors in the Human Life.
Due to her exceptional knowledge, which surpasses the average of even her home-world(s) population,[citation needed] she has assumed the Plejaren designated rank of half-Jschrjsch, which may mean a 'half-queen of wisdom' or a 'half-goddess', as they were called earlier on Earth.[citation needed] Having mastered several occupations[citation needed] and occupied herself with various matters on our planet, years before communicating with Billy Meier, which first happened on 28th of January, 1975, she became one of the better orientated extraterrestrials with regards to our situation on Earth, see Interview with Billy (1988) - 1st Question -answer - 'Situation on Earth',[citation needed] before her accident.
During the period of time from February 1965 until June 1973, she stayed in the DAL Universe with Asket's humanity.[citation needed] After her return from the DAL Universe to Erra, she came to Earth in July 1973 and continued to carry out the task she had performed here earlier in a hidden station.[citation needed] Of all the Earth languages, she has only mastered German and learned no others, other Plejaren personnel have masters others.[citation needed] In November 1984, Semjase finally had to leave the Earth for health reasons.[citation needed]
Her field of work was exclusively restricted to the European area. She had no authorisation whatsoever to become involved in any matters outside the region or for that matter establish contact with any Plejaren work groups in other areas of the planet, outside of Europe, neither in America nor Asia, other Plejaren personnel have been.[citation needed]
Early life and education
Semjase was born on the planet Erra and was educated there as well as later on other worlds in the Plejaren Federation.[citation needed]
Semjase's father is Ptaah.[citation needed]
One of her grandfathers was Sfath.[citation needed]
Semjase name meaning, origin and pronunciation
Source: Contact Report 475
English | German |
Excerpt from the 475th Contact Report of 26th November, 2008 | Auszug aus dem 475. Kontaktbericht vom 26. November 2008 |
Ptaah | Ptaah |
Semjase is a very old name that we Plejaren adopted from the Ancient Lyrian dialect, it means “The Demigoddess”. | Semjase ist ein sehr alter Name, den wir Plejaren aus einem altlyranischen Dialekt übernommen haben; er bedeutet ‹Die Halbgöttin›. |
If the E at the end of her name, as I spoke of in the English language example is pronounced I, then there is a very bad misnomer. | Wird das E am Ende des Namens jedoch als I gesprochen, wie das z.B. in der englischen Sprache getan wird, dann ergibt sich daraus ein sehr böser Unwert. |
“Sem”, from Semjase means in the Ancient Lyrian dialect “Half” while “Jase” means goddess, but “Jasi” means “Bane Goddess”. | ‹Sem›, gemäss Semjase, bedeutet im genannten altlyranischen Dialekt ‹Halb›, während ‹Jase› Göttin, ‹Jasi› jedoch ‹Fluchgöttin› bedeutet. |
Hence, if in the English language the E at the end of Semjase is spoken as I, so therefore Semjasi, the name means “Demigoddess of Bane”. | Daraus ergibt sich, wenn in der englischen Sprache beim Namen Semjase das E am Ende mit I gesprochen wird, so also Semjasi, der Name ‹Halbgöttin des Fluches›. |
Such false names and unworthy concepts respectively are unworthy of our languages and dialects, even if only a single letter in the word itself is wrong and is pronounced differently than the written form. | Solche falsche Namens- und Begriffsunwerte resp. Unwerte ergeben sich in unseren Sprachen und deren Dialekten auch, wenn auch nur ein einzelner Buchstabe im Wort selbst falsch und also anders ausgesprochen wird, als dieser in der geschriebenen Form gegeben ist. |
Personal Life
Semjase is a widow,[citation needed] she was married for seven years,[citation needed] but tragically lost her husband in an accident. Approximately 200 years ago at about 130 years of age,[citation needed] her spouse had been participating in a research expedition in a foreign galaxy, at a time when a certain hyperspace technology was relatively new to them.[citation needed] Of the two research ships dispatched for this particular task, only one returned home after eleven years, unfortunately the other with her husband aboard, suffered some form damage to the control system and crashed into the star of that system.[citation needed] Her marriage was without children.[citation needed]
On the 15th of December, 1977, she suffered a life-threatening accident at the Semjase Silver Star Center itself (which is named after her), in Hinterschmidrüti, Switzerland. She had to be taken back to her home planet of Erra for immediate A&E medical treatment with subsequent rehabilitation.[citation needed] Part of her brain was damaged in the accident, because by Earth standards she had clinically died,[citation needed] which took some time to repair and by the assistance of the individuals in the wider Plejaren Federation.[citation needed] Were she an Earth citizen she likely would have remained dead because of the incident or at best been disabled by it.[citation needed] However, this type of personal injury and death would not have occurred or even been possible if she was an Earth citizen to contrast, because it was related to a supporting technology the Plejaren use while they visit other worlds.[citation needed]
In May 1978, she returned to Earth and resumed her regular communication with Eduard until 26th March, 1981.[citation needed]
From March 1981 until the end of January 1984, she was again absent because there were other duties she had to fulfil on other worlds.[citation needed]
On the 3rd of February, 1984, the last conversation took place between Semjase and Billy.[citation needed] As an after effect of her accident on the 15th of December, 1977, she suffered a cerebral collapse in the beginning of November 1984 and was transported again as quickly as possible to the DAL Universe where she was healed by the help of Asket and friends the Sonaer.[citation needed] Her father, Ptaah, explained that the complete regeneration of her brain and all psi-powers,[citation needed] (sensitive) abilities and memories, lost during her collapse would take about seventy years.[citation needed] During this time Semjase will spend most of it in the DAL Universe.[citation needed]

Religious views
She disagrees with Earth religions and knows the truth due to education.[citation needed]
Political views
She disagrees with Earth politics and thinks that we would be better off without it,[citation needed] however she knows the truth due to education and is forbidden from interfering in Earth affairs by Plejaren Federation law. [citation needed]
Please take the time to allow for the awareness that there is such a massive quantity of information on each of these main Plejaren personnel in the original FIGU documents; we could paint any picture we wanted of each and any of them by either including or not including, omitting, whatever we wanted about them. By leaving out key critical details and focusing on the qualities we wanted to show the reader, just like a journalist does frequently I suppose you could say. Future of Mankind doesn't do that, at least not deliberately, we try and be as neutral as possible. This web page about Semjase is not an exhaustive account, it's been built up and accumulated here on this page from the original documents by many voluntary contributors, over some time and it's written in summary of a number of sources in FIGU literature, see Contact Reports, and Books. It's a bonus page which is not an official FIGU publication and the assumption is that readers have read those original FIGU publication documents already before this page.
There are numerous websites out there (which don't interest us whatsoever) which use the 'Semjase' name and write whatever story they want or imagine. We only use documents produced by Billy Meier and FIGU. Due to this situation and it being a popular page, editors are encouraged to reference everything written on this particular page, and rewrite everything so that it's as close to the original documents as possible. We tend to endeavour to reference everything on all Meier Encyclopedia pages, but it's especially important on this page, because of all those false accounts of Semjase all over the internet, thank you.
Further Reading
- ↑ Her age: Contact Report 003 line 51.