Talk:The Plejaren

From Billy Meier
Revision as of 02:10, 17 April 2010 by (talk) (Comment provided by Hawaiian - via ArticleComments extension)
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Comments on The Plejaren <comments />

Hawaiian said ...

Yes, one can say the Plejarens, who fled the Lyrian-Vega wars and settled on Earth briefly before fleeing again with their leader Pelegon and his peoples to Erra, a time shifted dimension star system.

Had and continue to enjoy an environment that few ET's during that time as well as now has the technology to penetrate into this dimension, thus was NOT interfered as much as those inhabitants on Earth. Earth's historical past from and before the Plejarens left, until recently the removal of the Giza and other malevolent ET's was constantly interfered with, thus the spiritual evolution of Earth humans was always being degenerated.

Plus, one has to evaluate the overwhelming negative consequencies of forced religions and the concept of gods, who ruled with blood thirsty agendas, inspite of prophets, whose missions could be considered mainly failures because of the negative influences, which was lacking on Erra.

--Hawaiian 03:10, 17 April 2010 (BST)