From Billy Meier
This article is not an official FIGU publication.
Lists of content about and associated with overpopulation.
Overpopulation is an uncomfortable subject. It occurs when a species population exceeds the normal carrying capacity of the ecological niche. Planets with a 13 thousands kilometre diameter have around a 500 million individual human being carrying capacity. [continue reading]
- Overpopulation Bomb
- What is the true cause of climate change?
- Warning to all the governments of Europe!
- Parenthood and the Desire to Have a Baby
- Where are you going humanity?
- How To Create Peace And Harmony On Earth
- Human being of the Earth
- The Crime Against All Life
- A Word To Mankind
- Open Letter to all Human Beings of Earth (5th July, 1951)
- UFO Facts: Visual Overpopulation (External) – Before and after satellite images with explanations.
- UFO Facts: Once again – Overpopulation (External) – Further explanatory facts, statistics, commentary and before and after satellite imagery.
- UFO Facts: Plejaren Population Figures Vs Earth Human Population Figures (External) – Compartive analysis of selected facts interesting excerpts.
- UFO Facts: Overpopulation (External) – interesting selected excerpts.
Growth charts and data arrangements
- Overpopulation Calculations 2009
- Overpopulation Crusade#Earth Population Growth Chart
- Interpretation of the Population Table 2009
Various presentations of different kinds of information
- Overpopulation au.figu.org external link.
- Overpopulation ca.figu.org external link.
- German: Überbevölkerung figu.org external link.
- German: Überbevölkerung de.figu.org external link.
- German: Überbevölkerung at.figu.org external link.
- Overpopulation presentation (Powerpoint) (Part 1) ca.figu.org external link.
- Overpopulation presentation (Powerpoint) (Part 2) ca.figu.org external link.
- Interview with Billy (1988)
- Interview with Billy (2011)
- Prophecies and Predictions
- What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively
- Open Letter To All Fellow Men
- Climate change - The facts and an important Plea
- What All Human Beings Of Earth Should Know!
- Sample: "that on that or on a planet of the Centaurus groups, a people lives in overpopulation, which comprises about 120 billion, so these,..."
- Sample: "planet disposes the normal population-size and does not become subject to overpopulation...."
- Sample: "From this, it follows that with the number of the overpopulation - containing not determined as well as irresponsibly produced descendants - ...other 2 points, i.e. 2 years. But for every decrease of 500 million in the overpopulation, seen from today's 4.3 billion figure,..."
- Sample: "at their present habitat is becoming dangerous for them and that simply an overpopulation of their kind is taking place, then there arises in them the ..."
- Sample: "birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow..."
- Sample: "sorts of disaster. And since there are more and more people as a result of overpopulation, more and more people are also hit by lightning, which usually has deadly c..."
- Sample: "had to emigrate as a consequence of overpopulation."
- Sample: "The inevitable happened as a result of the fault of the overpopulation of Earth humans, because, through their spreading out, they destroyed t..."
- Sample: "Torture, Death Penalty and Overpopulation"
- Sample: "and they would play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation."
- Sample: "increasingly generate more epidemics and diseases to combat the escalating overpopulation? Isn't it true that the excessive proliferation by human beings makes..."
- Sample: "his excessive procreation of offspring. Such behaviour has led to overpopulation, every type of ensuing ill and religious-sectarian insanity..."
- Sample: "Further to name is the worldwide unemployment, the ceaselessly growing overpopulation and the apathy of the humans to one another, the ever faster disappearing o..."
- Sample: "and negative consequences of overpopulation thus the vitality of a rigorous birth control. ...retaliation, jealousy, war, and destruction would gradually disappear, and overpopulation and environmental degradation, along with many other ills,..."
- Sample: "useless anyway because they would not remedy the basic problem, namely overpopulation ... ...misery, and so forth, is clearly identifiable with the incessantly growing overpopulation."
- Sample: "reduction can, singly and alone, only come about through the prevention of overpopulation, because actually only in that way does all the nonsensical production of C ...olutions, which are effective worldwide, for the radical decimation of the overpopulation, would be made and carried out and certainly by means of a worldwide, regul..."
- Sample: "catastrophes, is only their very own fault, which is founded in the rampant overpopulation. Admittedly, worldwide, there is talk about climate change; also at the cli ...oncerning descendents can play any role in this at all. As a result of the overpopulation, created by the Earth human beings, and the climatic catastrophe which is t..."
- Sample: "which as a result only could have occurred if the rapidly increasing overpopulation would have been stemmed and prevented. Only in this way would it still have ... etc., the blame for the total climate disaster, but not the mass of human overpopulation and its degenerations and criminal machinations against the planet ..."
- Sample: "refugees, economic refugees and criminals. Of course, that the overpopulation plays an essential role with the entirety of the immigrants..."
- Sample: "They also talk further about overpopulation and its manifold deadly effects infringement into every concern. ...egard to the malicious consequences that will originate from the worldwide overpopulation, which idiotically and irresponsibly is continuing to breed and always ...."
- Sample: "the link between overpopulation and climate change, the specifics of the Earth humans exclusivity to holder ...rth, namely in reference to their irresponsible perspective of breeding to overpopulation with all its arising machinations regarding the global destruction of natur..."
- Sample: "powers who are criminals against humanity, (in which) criminality and overpopulation know no more bounds, (in which) nature and the climate are destroyed throug ..., for robbery, rape, the destruction of families, terrorism, prostitution, overpopulation, the destruction of the environment, destruction of the climate.."
- Sample: "preoccupies itself with the following vital issues: the fight against overpopulation;"
- Sample: Elisabeth Moosbrugger -- Overpopulation
- Sample: "are outlined in the FIGU pamphlet A Crusade Against Overpopulation. this also with FIGU's Overpopulation brochure #4, pages 13-21 -- at this time it is..."
- Sample: "breeding of human overpopulation. A false type of humanitarianism results, whereby..."
- Sample: warnings had fallen regarding Earth's overpopulation and overindustrialization."
- Sample: "In your Overpopulation brochure #3, page 9, you state a family of 5 requires since the terrestrial population, in a mad breeding spree, created this overpopulation..."
- Sample: "And the origin of everything is overpopulation, which, however, neither humanity nor the responsible scientists, authorities..."
Further associated reading
- Sample: "Fundamentally, god is an invention of the human being, respectively, of the human brain, whereby, in the human being, over millions of years, the imaginary divinity has been inherited in a form of schizophrenic, epileptic delusion and has established itself in the temporal lobes as well as in the parietal lobes. Religious experiences which arise thereby constitute forms of schizophrenic delusion and are the result of a genetically inherited religious belief."
- Sample: Arahat Athersata and the Plejaren repeatedly advise us in particular about our out-of-control overpopulation problem and, as of 1975, recommended a strict, humane plan of world-wide birth control (which we arrogantly and self-destructively ignored, and continue to ignore. Countries like Australia even promote the growth of our population for economic reasons even as our water and other resources are increasingly reduced and contaminated!)."
- Sample: "and in the end an oxygen and atmospheric collapse occurred. Only 116 million were able to be rescued and resettled on other worlds by the Plejaren."
- Sample: "Is there a new calculation for reincarnating lives in the present time ? I assume that spirits are coming back into new lives sooner than the standard lifetime plus one half, because of overpopulation. ANSWER: Yes, they are coming back sooner."
- Sample: "The resulting effect of overpopulation on reincarnation. It causes a new consciousness and new personality to incarnate with the reincarnation of the spirit-form only a very short time after death and time in the beyond unfortunately."
- Sample: "We wish that a normal state of population and births be strived for on Earth and, in this regard, effective worldwide birth control be enforced, because only through this can too excessive an overpopulation be avoided and even further privation, criminality, hate against fellow men, wars, exploitation of Earth’s resources to the utmost, as well as new diseases, epidemics and misery be avoided and contained."
- Sample: "His stance on the overpopulation issue – a taboo subject, has brought him no fame or favour."
- The Power of the Thoughts, Feelings and the Psyche
- World Peace and Multinational Peace-Fighting Troops
- Attacking questions from Japan
- Sample: "unreasonable, unlawful and despicable manner, which resulted in an overpopulation of planet Kudra, whose inhabitants could no longer feed and sustain ..."
- Lifestyles and Health
- Why have we made more technological scientific material progress than consciousness related evolutionary progress
- Arahat Athersata (book)
- Great Journey
- Sample: "on July 17, 1975 during my great journey, in fact already is to have threatened an approximately Earth sized planet named Akart through overpopulation stupidity, because in 1975 already 23 billion human beings lived there. To my knowledge the inhabitants of Akart belong to your federation, as well as others from other regions there. Also Kohun and Athar."
Common misconceptions
List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why
- Treating the secondary malady: treating the secondary ailment is a bad habit that apparently humanity on the whole has gotten lost in unfortunately and in a great many subjects not only overpopulation. It's technically caused by cowardice and a lack of bravery, but it's mostly tied into political correctness. With overpopulation it politically means things like reducing annual industrial output of carbon dioxide by imposing tariffs on businesses to be seen to be combating the causes of climate change. Another non-related example of treating the secondary malady rather than the primary cause itself is demonstrated when governments, typically European, arrest and search the homes of populist speakers who publicly speak of the incompatibility of Islam with the values of non-islamic countries. Making an example of them by criminalising them on unrelated charges, by any means, to remove them from the public spotlight, instead of using the same policing powers to remove in the same vein the Islamic hate preachers themselves from non-islamic nations; treating the secondary ailment rather than the primary. These types of situations tend to occur when there is a composite of sensitivity surrounding the various connected and associated issues, usually because they have been strongly highlighted. We don't have a good record historically of being capable of good solutions. With overpopulation there is a fear that the solution we're capable of will be dictatorial, distasteful, result in some form of mass-murder or some other belief of what could happen as a solution, it doesn't have to be extreme at all. Billy Meier and Plejaren advice is some form of a management of the quantity of births annually, and must be internationally / globally. This could basically for example mean an international programme of condom and family planning education, normally in schools, and a separate programme for adults etc., this alone would be a good start. Education about the registered religion rhetoric that God says "go forth and multiply" etc., would probably be necessary as part of the education, a distinct contradiction, another political controversy. However for it to be effective, meaningful, proportional and fair, some form of penalty would be required for those who refuse all the reasoning, and there is plenty of reasoning available, such as the penalty of sterilisation. Billy Meier and Plejaren advise then, that after the worldwide birth halt, after a few years, then breeding could be permitted in a limited form, this could at the same moment allow for a quality assessment a loving marriage, suitable home, of parenting ability generally, ability to support a child through childhood, age of parents etc. This of course is controversial because our current system has never been managed in this way, we currently in a number of nations have a system where generally everyone regardless of anything is welcome to do most of anything they want, unlimited freedom, lawless, culture less, religious and valueless, abyss. And it's currently even considered archaic in a number of nations to have any decency at all whatsoever, in some nations decency is sanctioned publicly, very confused political and legal arrangement. It's never been a secret that politicians are borderline delusional though. So this is where then treating the secondary malady comes from, the cowardice and lack of bravery to confront the actual issues, because many of our politicians don't have any decency themselves, believe in nothing, or hold delusional beliefs. They are just interested in keeping their jobs so will say whatever gives them support, many are incapable of receiving criticism for example. With this mentality we are looking at complete loss of all good generative values, good cultures, pleasant cities, flight, prevalent crime, and all sorts of unpleasant things etc., and we are looking at a probable situation of certain individuals then migrating to certain parts of the world where humans have never lived before, or where existing peaceful valueful decent persons already live and then in turn pushing them out etc., because they find it now distasteful where they have historically lived etc. But this is just normal history actually, all the empires and great nations fail through history because their attitudes slowly turn toward distaste and gradually folks stop saying what is reasonable and necessary. If a nations wishes to be successful they have to make decent, honourable, good folks comfortable and push out everything contrary to that not welcome it and pull it in. This means that nations do not financially and economically grow at very great speed and therefore very slowly, which is the price of stability, of happiness and decent values, and most of all of normal population growth. Even with a normal system in a nation i.e. not supercharged for growth, eventually they become overpopulated, such as northern Europe and Russian Federation, old nations which have not supercharged growth, but it instead happens over a longer amount of time rather than just 20 years like it's happened with us now recently. Giving longer to consider how to tackle it and better strategy management etc. We have a bad situation on Earth in many ways. Billy Meier has written lots about it.
- An individual shouldn't stress themselves out about it because stress and frustration itself causes various health problems. If you would like to illustrate your concern and support for clearer, open-discussion; maintain an heir of rationality and clarity on it, stay calm, read any free-media articles put out about it, educate yourself about the problem, discus the crisis neutrally and dispassionately, this state of being means an individual can then cover more broadly the subject, think and speak reasonably and intelligently, with greater clarity on the problem, confidently. [continue reading]