External Links
From Billy Meier
Revision as of 09:13, 7 June 2018 by Daniel Leech (talk | contribs)
Note to Webmasters: Please insert a link to your website on this page if it is related to Billy Meier in a neutral or neutral-positive sense. Thanks - FoM Webmaster
Official FIGU Sites
- FIGU Dictionary Site
- BEAM Portal - Eduard Albert Meier's personal website
Official FIGU Interessengruppe
- creationaltruth.org - United States Interessengruppe
- californiaforfigu.org - California Interessengruppe
- coloradoforfigu.org - Colorado Interessengruppe
- figuohio.org - Ohio Interessengruppe
- southernenglandforfigu.org - Southern England Interessengruppe
Official Forums
- English FIGU Forum, FIGU Forum Thread - Your Questions to Billy Meier, Answered
- German FIGU Forum - (in English as a "Guest")
- Italian FIGU Forum - (in English as a "Guest")
- TheyFly.com - Michael Horn
- TheyFlyblog.com - Michael Horn
- gaiaguys.net - Gaiaguys website (archived)
- chancede/Cnotes.html - Contact Reports Topical listing - Courtesy David E. Chance (archive)
- chancede/Answers.txt - Questions To Billy Meier Answered - Courtesy David E. Chance (regularly updated)
- chancede/Meier.html - "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier Bibliography - Courtesy David E. Chance (archive)
- clemmm.googlepages.com - Clemmm's English Translations
- tjresearch.info - James W. Deardorff's Research of The Talmud of Jmmanuel website (archived)
- billymeiertranslations.com - Billy Meier Translations
- myspace.com/billymeiercontactreports - Billy Meier Contact Reports MySpace Blog
- ufofacts.me.uk - UFO Facts by Stephen Moore
- thecircleforhumanity.net - The Circle For Humanity - Group dedicated to overpopulation problem
- avilabooks.com/writings.htm - Dr. Dietmar Rothe's writings
- revolutionoftruth.com - Charles Page's The Revolution Of Truth
- wahrheit7x7.webs.com - Jose Barreto's Human Being of the Earth
- eir.forever.kz - Eurasian Institute of research in “Billy” E.A. Meierology
- michaelhesemann.com - Michael Hesemann's Archived Website
- - facebook.com/groups/Nokodemion/ - Facebook Study Group
- methimeier.wordpress.com - Methusalem Meier's Blog
- towardthetruth.org - Toward The Truth
- ufoprophet.blogspot.in - Mahesh Karumudi's collection of Archives
- billymeieruforesearch.com - Mahesh Karumudi's collection of Archives
- exopoliticsohio.us - landing page An arrangement of FoM linked summaries
- exopoliticsohio.us - interesting FIGU content all in English, no German source text
- meiersaken.info - Kåre Bergheim's Website
- beam2eng.blogspot.co.uk - Billy Meier Translations
- creationaltruth.org - Many Articles and Translations Available
For Young People
- Billy For Kids - Stories About Other Human Beings In The Universe
- theadventuresofbillymeier.com
- The Adventures of Billy Meier! - A Graphic Novel | Episode Two | Episode Three
Non-English Billy Meier Links
The primary focus of the website is the available English and German language content, this section is not therefore an exhaustive listing of available content in other languages. The original Billy Meier source texts are nearly always presented in Swiss German and translated from there, unless they are original works from approved regional FIGU centres, only ever translate from the source and never translate third party author texts back into another language or use second generation texts to make third generation texts.
Français (French)
- FIGU Francais
- lecasbillymeier.info
- billymeiertraductionsfr.blogspot.co.uk
- prophetiehenoch.blogspot.co.uk
- BillyMeierInFrench Youtube Channel
- Friends of Billy Meier and FIGU
Español (Spanish)
普通話 (Chinese) (Putonghua) (Mandarin)
हिंदी (Hindi)
Deutsche (German)
- FIGU Deutschland
- freundderwahrheit.de - Friend of Truth