
From Billy Meier

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Thank you Stevel

Hello, nice to meet you Stevel. This is good work I have seen. Thank you very much Stevel for your efforts, they really will be valued by many, and you have identified many areas I didn't know about.

You notice I placed anchor points, added links to the contact report number and linked some of the subjects to the Meier encyclopia. Has this been ok with you?, I thought I ought to ask before assuming any further having only done A so far. To me this makes the index more appealing to be regularly used by the readers of the website because they can click and click and the experience flows better if they don't have to then bring up a new tab manually and then remember the number and find the information they were looking for. But I was going to let it settle before I linked everything. Let me know.

I will step back and allow you the space necessary to make all the various evaluations, ...for now, we speak again later.

Again great work, thank you so much I really enjoy reading.


Hello Daniel. Nice to meet you too, although I think we have replied to each other's comments on here in the past unless there are several Daniels. My name is Stephan Lane.

Thank you very much for contributing to the index. It is much appreciated and in fact a relief for me as I didn't relish the prospect of doing all of that myself. What you have done is exactly what I had envisaged, so be my guest and continue. This is the first time I have created/edited Wiki pages so it started out as a mess but is now looking good. If you find any mistakes or index entries that are inappropriate in some way, feel free to modify/delete them.

My hope for this index is to not only provide another means of finding information that can sometimes be difficult to pin down with one or two search words, but to also give folk an idea of the enormity of Billy's contacts simply by browsing through.

Best regards.


Good. Thank you Steve, please continue with the valuable work. I remember, now I think about it, its good to be with you.

You're familiar with the MHRA style guide for indexing.

Its a good way of assessing the enormity of the works. And you have presented it beautifully.

An Index is a good idea and a Contact Report Index is a good idea.


extraterrestrials, Andron Giant, Suicide

Hi Steve, opinions from the audience are not a normal feature for the Contact Reports, so may I ask what you think about Andron the giant man in Contact Report 175, I noticed you had listed this in the index, so thought I would bring it up. My opinion is that this contact reveals a hidden cruelty about this 'silent revolution of truth', with how its been brought about. Just thought I would share my opinion. ~ and

is a legitimate assumption that part of the overall plan is to ready the Earth human for unofficial unscheduled non-prearranged or invitational random minglings throughout the ongoing future, in isolation and without anyone ever knowing. ~ a kind of, if you will allow me to expression, you won't allow us to do it officially so we'll find another way and do it anyway, type layup.

Is that worth a ponder, I do not know, I'll read it back to myself another day.


Hi Daniel. Andron, yes. Well, there appears to be only one reason for him being there, to hand the poor sod his wages. I would think that the Plejaren would have hoped for a different outcome, an ongoing alignment with the truth, but their probability calculations no doubt pointed to an unfortunate end. Some would call it terrorism, some would call it an offering of the greatest Love to this worthless Earth human. Without effort, truth is dished out on a plate in all its glory. An opportunity not given to many.

I don't know where this man's body was found, but Billy states that it caused difficulties for the Center. Which, to me, suggests that the body was found not far from it. The man had a means to kill himself. A gun? Did he intend to use it on Billy? Idle speculation to throw around. In any case, enforced non-violence brought the matter to a logical conclusion.

I wonder how many people on Earth would drive themselves into madness, in a similar situation, like the above man? Millions? A billion? It's really very sad.



Hello Steve, I agree with you that Andron did the right thing under those circumstances. <snip><edit> I seem to remember it being explained somewhere that a cumulative prerequisite arrangement in a previous incarnation was necessary to initiate such a stalking monitoring type strange behaviour, how this then transfers over to the roaring celebrity business would probably be quite interesting, activation of fate and predestination by triggers. So its possibly not to be considered as common as one may initially think, unless they are talked into it, Adolf Hitler was a strong talker, but it was a lot more than that, their economy did most of the talking for him. Being particularly influential and manipulatable is not a common characteristic for rogue instances, I think it must surely become more difficult to talk individuals into niche minority actions ~ For example I think talking someone into building a spaceship and then flying it to the next star would be quite difficult unless one was able to talk through into the individuals pre-existing abilities and opportunities that they already have.

I could be wrong, perhaps you'll come by this when you get to incarnation or reincarnation or creative natural laws


Hello again Steve, I have a further question to ask you though I am unsure quite how to ask it as its quite personal and it regards a fellow reader. Do you know if maybe Andrew Grimshaw is on crack?

Hahaha. Yes, I see what you mean. He seems to be floating along quite nicely in confusion. I don't know anything about him though. He seemed to be 'happy' on theyflyblog recently.

When pages get too long they can lag and take long to input keystrokes and pauses between each letter entered. Copy and paste to office, work on it there then paste it back when done.

Quite. I started doing it in notepad not long after I started this after losing a section due to some mouse jumping/selecting oddity. I have the index in an office doc.

Full support for the endeavour.

We can come back, review, revise and rework it all again, together and later upon review by the reasoning of others, only to take that pressure off should you realise the scale of the undertaking you have arranged before youself at anytime, I will come back to the site again and again over the coming months. I stand in support.

~ but probably worth baring this in mind... if you want

Contact Report 146

65. Only after the course of many centuries will your teaching of truth be considered, only then, when a lot of harm, distress, and misery have rolled over the Earth.


Re: 65. I think I understand what you mean. But I've started so I'll finish. :) I have brought this little index into existence and it will evolve with the help of others for a long time until it has served its purpose, just like this and other websites supporting the mission. We all need to be creators to push along our own evolution.

I think that the attacks on the mission will strengthen after Billy is no longer with us. But, like a seemingly dying planet, the attackers will destroy themselves in the process.

The only way anything good would ever come about is if individuals such as yourself do valueable things like this. It's the same with anything in life isn't it, we make our own luck but we also make good luck as much as we can make bad luck too.


On another subject, I am no conspiracy theorist by the way, I don't need it, in the television business we go through various standard procedures in preproduction and one of them is that someone has to meticulously go through all available feeds sources footage all raw tapes and label everything, your index reminded me a little of this. Anyway, the guy or girl has to carefully label everything so that it can all be found on demand. It usually gives a completely accurate representation of the actual event. And then the editor and director can come along later and fictionalise it a little bit to make a documentary or a film or a news broadcast that's selective of the event. Ok you get this premise.

Well on 911 the rushes had all these reports of explosions inside, before the collapse, wind blowing them down stairs, windows being blown out, specific descriptions of detonations as it happened and anyway many instances like this on the original indexing of the footage. Just thought I'd give you an indexing trivia.


My embarrassment.

If I can be honest with you Stephen Lane, I am embarrassed with myself for declaring my reading of this information, wasting my time with it.

the pleadian thing is an absolute embarrassment of association.

The plejaren and their behaviour has been a horrible embarrassment, why they have refused to do anything properly and always half heartedly and as if they are somehow pathetic and incapable as if they verge in some instances with special learning disabilities is nothing more than the most hideous waste of time, the entire episode has been a shoddy waste of childlike play time and they have embarrassed me and embarrassed all the work I have ever done in any incarnation I have ever experienced on earth, I am ashamed of their behaviour and want nothing more to do with it.

The fraudulent images mixed in with some good ones has embarrassed me horribly.

The use of the word creational, after creationalism has been an embarrassing coercion for me, the overall layup.

They should have passed the spiritual teaching over to a local church where economically it belongs, this wishful thinking that we will somehow recalibrate our entire economy, that's another embarrassment.

Meiers multi million dollar ranch is an embarrassment.

Nothing superior about the German language that's another crock. There are many crocks woven in, it's a hideous embarrassment.

I am sorry I ever wasted any of my time.