Talk:Contact Report 209

From Billy Meier
Revision as of 21:44, 1 November 2010 by Doug Snead (talk | contribs) (Comment provided by Doug Snead - via ArticleComments extension)
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Comments on Contact Report 209 <comments />

Doug Snead said ...

Billy: "... it has always seemed to me as if those irresponsible persons in America – who constantly cry for war, the death penalty, murder, manslaughter, and terror – see themselves as supermen but see all other people of other nations, races, and religions as subhuman creatures and as dog-people and scum."

This may seem harsh, but, as one born on a U.S. military base, as one born and bred in America, as one who has lost dear family members to the constant wars and military adventures launched by the American government, what Billy says here sounds rather accurate to me.

And yes, sadly, far too many American people consent to this power-hungry madness.

We have a saying in America - which touches on karma and sowing and reaping.

"Those chickens will come home to roost."

But we could turn things around - it is not too late. Some, many, Americans do not consent to the lying, the killing, the stealing, and the destruction. It is possible that sanity can take root, even there, and prevail.

We, Americans, do need help.

--Doug Snead 21:44, 1 November 2010 (UTC)