Talk:Andromedan High Council

From Billy Meier
Revision as of 07:36, 4 July 2010 by (talk) (Comment provided by Hawaiian - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on Andromedan High Council <comments />

Mark said ...

It's kind of cool when Billy goes on those ships for lengthy discussions they feed him. I wonder what spirits have in there food storage council ship. I bet they have the good stuff.

--Mark 20:20, 3 July 2010 (BST)

aernest tree said ...


--aernest tree 23:50, 3 July 2010 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

Actually I assume the High Council are half physical half spiritual and not yet evolved into the pure spiritual level of Arahat Athersata level where Nokodemjion came out of and into the material world to bring order to the DERN universe.

Incidentally, I have recently conferred with a colleague who has close ties with the inner circle, mentioned that Nokodemjion has done these types of intervention not once, but currently a 4th time!

Thus if true, then one can logically imply that certainly some or most of these pure spiritual BEINGS as well as the High Council and other material Beings in the DERN universe have benefited by his most honorable sacrifice! These highly evolved “entities” were certainly at one time, material beings like ourselves going through the painful process, maybe not as severe as Earth humans, but none-the-less, owe much to his sacrifice.

Then of course, one should analyze the progressiveness of Creational attributes in itself alone as being further evolved by Nokodemjion's presence, otherwise his intervention would not have been necessary in the first or for that matter, 4 separate times! That spirit is currently reincarnated into Billy who is responsible for ALL dimensions of the DERN universe, certainly a very tall order for a physical human being, thus in my opinion, we may be witness to a evolution of a unified BEING/Being!


--Hawaiian 08:36, 4 July 2010 (BST)