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[[Category:Contact Reports]]
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| '''This is an authorised but unofficial preliminary translation of FIGU material. It has been approved for this website by [[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]]'''
|[[image:SfathbyPtaah.jpg|Right|thumb|140px|<small>[[Sfath]], hand-drawn by [[Ptaah]]</small>]]||[[image:Billy1945.jpg|Right|thumb|140px|<small>[[Eduard]], aged 8, 1945</small>]]
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* Contact Report volume: 1
* Contact Report volume: 1
* Pages: 11-20
* Pages: 11-20
* Date of contact: Saturday, February 3rd, 1945, 12.10PM
* Date of contact: Saturday, 3rd February, 1945, 12.10PM
* Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg  
* Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg  
* Date of translation: Unknown
* Date of original translation: Unknown
* Corrections and improvements made: Unknown
* Revision by: Vibka Wallder with help from Adam Dei Rocini, Dyson Devine, Vivienne Legg in February 2011
* Contact person: Sfath
* Contact person: [[Sfath]]
=== Synopsis ===
=== Synopsis ===
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== Sfath's Explanation Translation ==
== Sfath's Explanation Translation ==
[http://www.gaiaguys.net/kodex.htm An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift]
[[Deutsch:Sfath's Explanation|Click here for the German Version]]
We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of [http://www.gaiaguys.net www.gaiaguys.net]) have been given permission by Billy Meier ([http://www.figu.org www.figu.org]) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.
Please read [http://www.gaiaguys.net/translations.htm this] explanatory word about our translations.
| style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:Black" | English || style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:Black" | German
| '''Sfath'''
| '''Sfath'''
| '''Sfath'''
| 1. Eduard, listen very closely to what I have to say to you.
| 1. Eduard, listen very closely to what I have to say to you.
| 1. Eduard, höre sehr genau zu, was ich dir zu sagen habe.
| 2. It is not for no purpose, rather for certain reasons that our series of meetings has come about.
| 2. It is not for no purpose, rather for certain reasons that the series of our meetings has come about.
| 2. Nicht umsonst, sondern aus bestimmten Gründen haben sich die Aneinanderreihung unserer Begegnungen ergeben.
| 3. The grounds for the reasons lead back to determinations that lie very far back in the past and in accord with the measure to which you are arranged in a self-determined task during the time of your present life - as was repeatedly the case in your spiritual lineage of reincarnations in earlier life and in other personalities and bodies - in order to fulfill the mission of an announcer and bring the whole of humanity peace, true love, freedom, and unity as well as open, unencrypted knowledge of spiritual matters as well as wisdom and that which pertains to Creational laws.
| 3. The cause for the argumentation leads back to determinations which lie very far back in the past, and according to which, during the time of your present life, you are fitted into a certain task determined by yourself - as was the case repeatedly in your spiritual line of reincarnations in former lives and in other personalities and bodies - in order to fulfil the mission of a proclaimer and to bring, to the whole of humanity, peace, true love, freedom and unity as well as open, unencrypted knowledge of the spiritual matters and that which pertains to creational laws as well as wisdom.
| 3. Die Ursache der Begründung führt auf Bestimmungen zurück, die sehr weit in der Vergangenheit liegen und denen gemäss du während der Zeit deines gegenwärtigen Lebens einer durch dich selbst bestimmten Aufgabe eingeordnet bist, wie das in deiner geistigen Reinkarnationslinie in früheren Leben und in anderen Persönlichkeiten und Körpern wiederholend der Fall war, um die Mission eines Künders zu erfüllen und der ganzen Menschheit Frieden, wahrliche Liebe, Freiheit und Einheit sowie offenes, unverschlüsseltes Wissen der Geistesbelange und der schöpferischen Gesetzmässigkeiten sowie Weisheit zu bringen.
| 4. Because of some of these determinations which advance far into time, you have entered life as announcer of the truthful creational laws and directives and thus as prophet, whereby, however, you will first take up and fulfill your actual mission when the time has become ripe for that, and indeed with the date of January 28th, 1975.
| 4. Because of your self determination, which far precedes the present, you have entered life as a proclaimer of the truthful creational laws and recommendations and thus as prophet, whereby, however, you will only take up your actual mission and fulfil it when the time has become ripe for it, namely, with the date of the 28th of January, 1975.
| 4. Durch eigene dieser Zeit weit vorgehende Bestimmung bist du als Künder der wahrheitlichen schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote und also als Prophet ins Leben getreten, wobei du deine eigentliche Mission jedoch erst aufnehmen und erfüllen wirst, wenn die Zeit dafür reif geworden ist, und zwar mit dem Datum vom 28. Januar 1975.
| 5. Until then you will be rigorously learning in many countries of this world and with different teachers who are instructed about your advent, who have been in connection with me for a very long time or will be in connection with me in the time to come.
| 5. Until then, you will be rigorously learning in many countries of this world, and with different teachers who are informed about your arrival and who have been in connection with me for some time, or will be in connection with me in the time to come.
| 5. Bis dahin wirst du streng lernend sein in vielen Ländern dieser Welt und bei verschiedenen über dein Erscheinen unterrichteten Lehrern, die mit mir seit geraumer Zeit in Verbindung stehen oder dies in kommender Zeit noch sein werden.
| 6. As with all really great announcers and sages - who have taught here on the Earth since time immemorial, and brought the whole of humanity the teachings of the spirit, peace, love and knowledge, harmony and wisdom as well as real freedom - you have also been born an inconspicuous human, and, like all genuine announcers and sages, you will also first have to learn very much before you take up and fulfill your task at your predetermined time.
| 6. As with all really great proclaimers and sages - who have taught here on the Earth since time immemorial, and have brought the entire humanity the teaching of the spirit, peace, love, knowledge, harmony and wisdom as well as real freedom - you have also been born an inconspicuous human being; and, as with all genuine proclaimers and sages, you will also first have to learn very much, before you will take on and fulfil your task at your predetermined time.
| 6. Wie alle wirklich grossen Künder und Weisen, die seit alters her auf der Erde gelehrt haben und der ganzen Menschheit die Lehre des Geistes, des Friedens, der Liebe, des Wissens, der Harmonie und der Weisheit sowie der wirklichen Freiheit brachten, bist auch du als unscheinbarer Mensch geboren worden; und wie alle wirklichen Künder und Weisen wirst auch du erst sehr viel lernen müssen, ehe du zu deiner vorbestimmten Zeit deine Aufgabe übernehmen und erfüllen wirst.
| 7. Thereby you must however consider that you will have to endure a quite adventurous and hard life, often full of deprivation, which, from the year 1965, will still increase in a way which will demand very many strengths from you in every respect.
| 7. Thereby you must, however, consider that you will have to endure a quite adventurous and hard life, often full of privation, which, from the year 1965, will still increase in a form which will demand very many powers from you in every regard.
| 7. Dabei hast du jedoch zu bedenken, dass du ein recht abenteuerliches, oft entbehrungsreiches und hartes Leben zu bestehen haben wirst, das sich ab dem Jahre 1965 noch in einer Form steigern wird, die dir sehr viele Kräfte in jeder Hinsicht abfordern wird.
| 8. This will especially lead back to your spouse who you will meet and marry in the named year, which however is inevitable and will be very closely associated with your mission.
| 8. This will particularly lead back to your spouse, who you will meet and marry in the named year, which, however, is inevitable and will be very closely connected to your mission.
| 8. Dies wird besonders auf deine Gattin zurückführen, die du im nämlichen Jahr kennenlernen und ehelichen wirst, was jedoch unumgänglich ist und in sehr enger Form mit deiner Mission zusammenhängen wird.
| 9. To this end, this matrimonial step is therefore necessary because your true strengths, which you will require at this time, will be initially built up though this path which you must take.
| 9. Hence, your marital step is therefore necessary, because your true powers, which you need from that time onward, will only be built up through this path which you must take.
| 9. Daher ist der Schritt deiner Ehelichung also notwendig, denn deine wirklichen Kräfte, deren du ab dieser Zeit bedarfst, werden erst durch diesen Weg, den du zu gehen hast, aufgebaut.
| 10. If, however, you become aware that everything in this regard which intrudes on you will be pitiless and unavoidable, then only by you surviving and also mastering this hard lesson, may you fulfill your duty imperturbably and without fickleness as well as without doubt, in absolute honesty, modestly and in real love and joy for your task and for your fellow humans.
| 10. Realise, nevertheless, that everything concerning this, which intrudes on you, will be merciless and absolutely inevitable, because only by you passing and also mastering this hard lesson, will you be able to fulfil your duty unswervingly and without fickleness as well as without doubt, absolutely honestly, modestly and in real love and joy for your task and for your fellow human beings.
| 10. Werde dir jedoch bewusst, dass alles diesbezüglich auf dich Eindringende erbarmungslos und absolut unumgänglich sein wird, denn nur dadurch, dass du diese harte Lehre bestehst und auch bewältigst, vermagst du unbeirrbar und ohne Wankelmütigkeit sowie ohne Zweifel absolut ehrlich, bescheiden und in wirklicher Liebe und Freude zu deiner Aufgabe und zu den Mitmenschen deine Pflicht zu erfüllen.
| 11. Thereby, however, you will not be spared from very much grief, nor from slanderous accusations and hate, which in many ways will lead back to your spouse.
| 11. Thereby, however, you will not be spared from grief - of which there will be very much - nor from libellous accusations and hate, which will often lead back to your spouse.
| 11. Dabei aber wirst du von sehr viel Leid nicht verschont bleiben, wie auch nicht von verleumderischen Beschuldigungen und Hass, was vielfach auf deine Gattin zurückführen wird.
| 12. Yet you must powerfully and imperturbably confront these attacks, which will also be backed up by assaults against your life, because you may fulfill your mission only if you overcome everything.
| 12. Yet you must powerfully and unwaveringly confront these attacks, which will also be underpinned by attempts against your life, because, only if you master everything, are you able to fulfil your mission.
| 12. Doch diesen Angriffen, die auch in Anschlägen gegen dein Leben fundiert sein werden, hast du kraftvoll und unbeirrbar entgegenzutreten, denn nur so, wenn du alles bewältigst, vermagst du deine Mission zu erfüllen.
| 13. However, you will not have to bear the worst machinations forever because your spouse will maliciously turn away from you when she finally recognizes that you will go your way imperturbably and will fulfill your mission.
| 13. However, you will not have to endure the worst machinations forever, because your spouse will maliciously turn away from you when she finally recognises that you follow your path unwaveringly and that you will fulfil your mission.
| 13. Die schlimmsten Machenschaften musst du jedoch nicht für immer ertragen, weil sich deine Gattin böswillig von dir abwenden wird, wenn sie schliesslich erkennt, dass du unbeirrbar deinen Weg gehst und deine Aufgabe erfüllen wirst.
| 14. Unfortunately she will, however, be so blinded by hate that she will covertly spread further slander about you and will practice intrigues against you.
| 14. Unfortunately she will, however, be so blinded by hate that she will covertly spread further slander about you and will practice intrigues against you.
| 14. Leider wird sie jedoch derart von Hass verblendet sein, dass sie untergründig weiter Verleumdungen über dich verbreiten und Intrigen gegen dich ausüben wird.
| 15. But you will not have to compete with that if you are studious, as I instruct you to be.
| 15. But you will not have to pit yourself against it, if you are studious, as I instruct you to be.
| 15. Du wirst dich daran aber nicht messen müssen, wenn du lehrsam bist, wie ich dir auftrage dies zu sein.
| 16.You are already now wise for your age in a way that old humans feel drawn to you, enjoy conversation with you and are astonished over the knowledge that is now already yours, thus they also often ask you for advice.
| 16. You are already now wise for your age in a way that old human beings feel drawn to you, enjoy conversation with you and are astonished over the knowledge that is now already yours, thus they also often ask you for advice.
| 16. Du bist für dein Alter jetzt schon weise in einer Art, dass sich alte Menschen zu dir hingezogen fühlen, sich gerne mit dir unterhalten und erstaunt sind über dein Wissen, das dir bereits jetzt schon eigen ist, weshalb sie dich auch oft um Rat fragen.
| 17. Truthfully, your words contain a vibrancy that testifies to a great inner power and which helps humans.
| 17. Truthfully, your words contain a vibration which testifies to a great inner power and which helps human beings.
| 17. Wahrheitlich enthalten deine Worte eine Schwingung, die von einer grossen inneren Kraft zeugen und die den Menschen hilft.
| 18. Thereby you may work those with vices, and the wicked, as well as the strife-ridden and ignorant, out of the world.
| 18. Thereby, you are able to eliminate non-virtues and bad things, as well as strife and ignorance.
| 18. Dadurch vermagst du Untugenden und Schlechtes sowie Unfriedliches und Unwissen aus der Welt zu schaffen.  
| 19. Because of this inner power which also expresses your modesty and your honesty as well as your love for humans, a great trust will also be placed in you, to which you have already done justice since our acquaintance, and you are constantly making an effort to never injure or to misuse it.
| 19. Because of this inner power, which also expresses your modesty and your honesty as well as your love for human beings, a great trust is also placed in you, to which you have already done justice since our acquaintance, and you are constantly making an effort to never impair or misuse it.
| 19. Durch diese innere Kraft, die auch deine Bescheidenheit und deine Ehrlichkeit sowie deine Liebe zu den Menschen zum Ausdruckt bringt, wird auch ein grosses Vertrauen in dich gesetzt, dem du schon seit unserer Bekanntschaft gerecht wirst und ständig darum bemüht bist, es niemals zu verletzen oder zu missbrauchen.
| 20. The value of your words and your virtues lies in the inspirational form with which you impart everything.
| 20. The value of your words and your virtues lies in the inspirational form in which you impart everything.
| 20. Der Wert deiner Worte und deiner Tugenden liegt in der inspirativen Form, mit der du alles vermittelst.  
| 21. When you speak with humans then your words contain such a modest and honest power that they do not simply fade away unheeded, rather they will be contemplated and the actual truth will be sought in their meaning.
| 21. When you speak with human beings, then your words contain such a modest and honest power that they do not simply fade away unheeded, rather they are contemplated and the actual truth is sought in their meaning.
| 21. Wenn du mit den Menschen sprichst, dann enthalten deine Worte eine bescheidene und ehrliche Kraft dessen, dass sie nicht einfach unachtsam verhallen, sondern dass darüber nachgedacht und in ihrem Sinn die tatsächliche Wahrheit gesucht wird.
| 22. This contemplation of your words succeeds in a meditative way, to such an extent that action also then results.
| 22. This contemplation of your words occurs in a meditative form. Then action also results accordingly.
| 22. Dieses Nachdenken über deine Worte erfolgt in einer meditativen Form, dergemäss dann auch das Handeln erfolgt.
| 23. Your name is Eduard Albert Meier, and, as the value of your given name expresses, you are a "protector of the treasure", which in this case relates to the treasure of the teaching of the spirit, which you will learn in all things and will teach the humans.
| 23. Your name is Eduard Albert Meier, and, as the value of your given name expresses, you are a “guardian of the treasure”, which, in this case, relates to the treasure of the spiritual teaching which you will learn in all things and teach the human beings.
| 23. Dein Name ist Eduard Albert Meier, und wie dein Rufname in seinem Wert zum Ausdruck bringt, bist du ein <Hüter des Schatzes>, was sich in diesem Fall auf den Schatz der Geisteslehre bezieht, die du in allen Dingen erlernen und den Menschen lehren wirst.
| 24. But you will not be called this name during your lifetime, because on a certain date in Teheran, in Persia, you will receive the name Billy, with which you will become known worldwide.
| 24. However, you will not be called this name all your life, because, on a certain date, in Tehran, in Persia, you will receive the name Billy, with which you will become known worldwide.
| 24. Du wirst aber nicht Zeit deines Lebens bei diesem Namen genannt werden, denn zu einem bestimmten Datum wirst du in Teheran, in Persien, den Namen Billy: erhalten, mit dem du in weltweiter Form bekannt werden wirst.
| 25. Also, the designation "BEAM" will arrive, which will come from the beginning letters of all your names, thus from Billy: Eduard Albert Meier.
| 25. The designation "BEAM" will be added, which results from the initial letters of all your names, thus from Billy Eduard Albert Meier.
| 25. Dazukommen wird die Bezeichnung <Strahl>, die sich aus den Anfangsbuchstaben all deiner Namen ergeben wird, so aus Billy: Eduard Albert Meier.
| 26. But, in spite of that, you are only a simple human and will also remain as such in honesty and modesty.
| 26. But, nevertheless, you are only a simple human being and will also remain as such in honesty and modesty.
| 26. Trotzdem aber bist du nur ein einfacher Mensch und wirst ein solcher auch bleiben in Ehrlichkeit und Bescheidenheit.
| 27. You will not make a fuss about your person, rather, at a given time, establish yourself in the background, so as not to be valued as something special and to not let yourself be admired or adored.
| 27. You will not make a fuss about your person, rather, at a given time, establish yourself in the background, so as not to be regarded as something special and so as not to let yourself be admired and worshipped.
| 27. Nicht wirst du ein Aufheben von deiner Person machen, sondern dich zu gegebener Zeit in den Hintergrund setzen, um nicht als etwas Besonderes zu gelten und dich nicht bewundern und nicht anbeten zu lassen.
| 28. And you will do very well at that, because the Earth humans are too very attentive to their creation of idols, to which they dependently and pathologically oblige themselves, and which they emulate, and they deny their own individuality.
| 28. And you will do very well at that, because the human beings of earth are too concerned about creating idols for themselves, to which they dependently and pathologically oblige themselves, and which they emulate, and, in regard to which, they deny their own individuality.
| 28. Und daran wirst du sehr gut tun, denn zu sehr sind die Menschen auf der Erde darauf bedacht, sich Idole zu schaffen, denen sie sich hörig und krankhaft verpflichten, diesen nacheifern und die eigene Individualität verleugnen.
| 29. That is not permitted to be, and so you will do well, in relation to that, to go your way of modesty and honesty and into the background, which is now also already your pronounced manner.
| 29. That is not permitted to be, and thus you will do well to go your way of modesty and honesty and being in the background, which is now also already your distinct manner.
| 29. Dies darf nicht sein, und so wirst du gut daran tun, deinen Weg der Bescheidenheit und Ehrlichkeit und des Hintergrundseins zu gehen, was auch jetzt schon deine ausgeprägte Art ist.  
| 30. Work in silence and don't go into the public too much.
| 30. Work in silence and do not go into the public too much.
| 30. Arbeite im stillen und begebe dich nicht zu sehr an die Öffentlichkeit.  
| 31. Let others do this for you, as they will not be flattered and adored.
| 31. Let others do this for you, because it will not happen to them that they will be courted and worshipped.
| 31. Lass dies andere für dich tun, denn ihnen wird es nicht zustossen, dass sie hofiert und angebetet werden.  
| 32. Perform your work and mission in written form and stay in the background if possible.
| 32. Perform your work and mission in written form and remain in the background if possible.
| 32. Verrichte deine Arbeit und Mission in schriftlicher Form und bleibe nach Möglichkeit im Hintergrund.  
| 33. Only bring the teaching of the spirit in direct verbal form to those humans who will belong to a close group which will assemble around you.
| 33. Only bring the spiritual teaching in direct verbal form to those human beings who will belong to a close group which will assemble around you.
| 33. Bringe nur dort die Lehre des Geistes in direkter mündlicher Form unter die Menschen, wo diese einer engen Gruppierung angehören werden, die sich um dich scharen wird.
| 34. Yet also, for them, be only like a mirror that they look into, and can only see you, yourself, and indeed just as you are and as you present yourself to them, so that they see that you are also only a human the same as them and not a higher being placed above them who only looks down on them.
| 34. Yet also, for them, be only like a mirror which they can look into, and can only see you, yourself, indeed just as you are and as you present yourself to them, so that they see that you are also only a human being, the same as them, and not a higher being placed above them who only looks down on them.
| 34. Doch sei auch für sie nur wie ein Spiegel, in den sie hineinschauen und nur dich selbst sehen können, und zwar so wie du bist und wie du dich ihnen gibst, damit sie sehen, dass auch du nur ein Mensch ihresgleichen bist und nicht ein ihnen übersetztes höheres Wesen, das nur auf sie hinabsieht.
| 35. But, in spite of that, be like a fire, and do not stay too far away from them with the warmth of your love, so that they can come to you at any time and feel your warmth, security and love as well as your peace, your freedom, poise and harmony.
| 35. But, nevertheless, be like a fire, and do not stay too far from them with the warmth of your love, so that they can come to you at any time and feel your warmth, security and love, as well as your peace, your freedom, balance and harmony.
| 35. Sei aber trotzdem wie ein Feuer und bleibe mit der Wärme deiner Liebe nicht zu weit weg von ihnen, damit sie jederzeit zu dir kommen und deine Wärme, Sicherheit und Liebe sowie deinen Frieden, deine Freiheit, Ausgeglichenheit und Harmonie verspüren können.
| 36. But do not get too close to them with your knowledge and with your wisdom and with all your powers, so that they do not burn themselves.
| 36. However, do not get too close to them with your knowledge and with your wisdom and with all your powers, so that they do not burn themselves.
| 36. Doch geh mit deinem Wissen und mit deiner Weisheit und mit all deinen Kräften nicht zu nahe an sie heran, damit sie sich nicht verbrennen.
| 37. Therefore, also do not use your powers of consciousness for official demonstrations, rather employ them in your group, which will be established in 1975, only to provide evidence that the powers of consciousness and of the spirit can be used, and can therefore also be developed.
| 37. Hence, also do not use your powers of consciousness for official demonstrations, rather make use of them in your group, which will be established in 1975, only to provide evidence that the powers of the consciousness and the spirit can be used, and can therefore also be developed.
| 37. Nutze daher auch deine Kräfte deines Bewusstseins nicht für offizielle Demonstrationen, sondern wende sie in deiner ab 1975 entstehenden Gruppierung nur als Beweisführung dessen an, dass die Kräfte des Bewusstseins und des Geistes genutzt und also auch entwickelt werden können.
| 38. Therefore, learn the correct distance from humans so that you do not come too close to them, however, also do not stay too distant from them.
| 38. Thus, learn the correct distance in relation to the human beings, so that you do not come too close to them, however, also do not stay too distant from them.
| 38. Lerne also die richtige Distanz zu den Menschen, damit du ihnen nicht zu nahe kommst, ihnen jedoch auch nicht zu fern bleibst.
| 39. You have come into this world in order to give, not, however, to take.
| 39. You have come into this world in order to give, not, however, to take.
| 39. Du bist in diese Welt gekommen, um zu geben, nicht jedoch um zu nehmen.
| 40. Hence, always take only that which is rightly yours, which you can think of as your own earnings or which has been given to you out of love, respect and togetherness.
| 40. Hence, always take only that which is rightly yours, which you can deem to be your own earnings or which has been given to you out of love, respect and connection in friendship.
| 40. Nehme daher immer nur das, was dir rechtens zusteht, was du als deinen eigenen Verdienst erachten kannst oder was dir aus Liebe, Achtung und Verbundenheit geschenkt wird.
| 41. Thus never demand something for yourself when you have not performed the corresponding work for it.
| 41. Thus, never demand anything for yourself if you have not performed the corresponding work for it.
| 41. Fordere also niemals selbst etwas, wenn du nicht eine entsprechende Arbeit dafür leistest.
| 42. Any work is worth its wage, yet you should never demand more.
| 42. Every work is worth its wage, yet you should never demand more.
| 42. Jede Arbeit ist ihres Lohnes wert, doch mehr sollst du niemals verlangen.
| 43. But it will not be that you can disseminate your written works without payment, because that is impossible through the money-economy system of terrestrial humanity.
| 43. But you will not be able to disseminate your written works without payment, because that is impossible through the money-economy system of terrestrial humanity.
| 43. Nicht wird es aber so sein, dass du deine schriftlichen Arbeiten entgeltlos verbreiten kannst, denn durch das System der erdenmenschlichen Geldwirtschaft ist das unmöglich.
| 44. But you should not give attention to that, because the time, and your traditional teaching of the spirit, will bring with it that, in the group which will come about, the truth of the teaching will be recognised and, accordingly, also the financial means will be established with which your writings and books can be professionally prepared and disseminated at reasonable prices.
| 44. But you should not give attention to that, because the time and your traditional teaching of the spirit will bring with it, that, in the emerging group, the truth of the teaching will be recognised and, accordingly, also financial means will be made available with which your writings and books can be professionally prepared and disseminated at reasonable prices.
| 44. Dem sollst du aber keine Beachtung schenken, denn die Zeit und deine altherkömmliche Lehre des Geistes werden es mit sich bringen, dass in der entstehenden Gruppierung die Wahrheit der Lehre erkannt wird und demgemäss auch finanzielle Mittel zur Verfügung gestellt werden, mit denen deine Schriften und Bücher professionell angefertigt und zu vernünftigen Preisen verbreitet werden können.
| 45. Every beginning will indeed lie with you, for which reason you should work and be thrifty in order to be able to finance the start of your mission when the time has become ripe for that.
| 45. Every beginning will indeed lie with you, for which reason you should work and be frugal in order to be able to finance the start of your mission when the time has become ripe for it.
| 45. Aller Anfang wird allerdings bei dir liegen, weshalb du arbeiten und sparsam sein sollst, um den Beginn deiner Mission finanzieren zu können, wenn deine Zeit dafür reif geworden ist.
| 46. Yet already at the beginning of your task you will find modest help which will however quickly expand.
| 46. Yet, already at the beginning of your task, you will find modest help which will, however, quickly expand.
| 46. Doch schon zu Beginn deiner Aufgabe wirst du bescheidene Hilfe finden, die sich jedoch schnell ausweiten wird.
| 47. However, never demand, because you and your mission are not the same as the religions and the groups and circles and so forth which have sprung from them, as well as their leaders, preachers and heads.
| 47. However, never demand, because you and your mission are not the same as the religions and the groups and circles, and so forth, which have sprung from them, as well as their leaders, preachers and head persons.
| 47. Fordere jedoch niemals, denn du und deine Mission sind nicht dergleichen wie die Religionen und die daraus entsprungenen Gruppen und Zirkel usw. sowie deren Führer, Prediger und Vorstehende.  
| 48. Constantly give everything that you are able to give, if the humans are ready to receive.
| 48. Always give everything which you are able to give, when the human beings are ready to receive.
| 48. Gib stets alles, was du zu geben vermagst, wenn die Menschen bereit sind zu empfangen.  
| 49. However never give more, in respect of the teaching, its knowledge and its wisdom, than the humans are capable of understanding and coping with.
| 49. However, never give more, with respect to the teaching, its knowledge and its wisdom, than the human beings are capable of understanding and coping with.
| 49. Gib jedoch niemals mehr hinsichtlich der Lehre, ihres Wissens und ihrer Weisheit, als die Menschen fähig sind, alles zu verstehen und zu verkraften.
| 50. The rule proves that they always want to know more than their understanding can cope with, so, for that reason, be told that you should always teach and give away only as much knowledge and wisdom as is demanded by the immediate state of the humans' understanding.
| 50. The rule proves that they always want to know more than their intellect can cope with, so, for that reason, be told that you should always teach and reveal only as much knowledge and wisdom as is demanded by the current state of the human beings' understanding.
| 50. Die Regel beweist, dass sie immer mehr wissen wollen, als ihr Verstand zu verkraften vermag, deshalb sei dir gesagt, dass du immer nur gerade soviel Wissen und Weisheit lehren und preisgeben sollst, wie der augenblickliche Stand des Verstehens der Menschen dies verlangt.
| 51. If the understanding and grasping of the actual truth climbs in regards to the learning material, then the new understanding can be expanded in its value and its details in accord with the teachings.
| 51. Once the understanding and grasping of the actual truth increases in regard to the learning material, then the new understanding can be expanded in its value and its details in accord with the teaching.
| 51. Steigt das Verstehen und Erfassen der tatsächlichen Wahrheit in bezug auf den Stoff des Lernens, dann kann dem neuen Verstehen gemäss die Lehre in ihrem Wert und in ihren Einzelheiten erweitert werden.
| 52. However, as a rule, this first comes about at the point in time when a correspondingly precise question is brought forward.
| 52. However, as a rule, this first comes about at the point in time when a correspondingly precise question is brought forward.
| 52. Dies jedoch ergibt sich in der Regel erst zu dem Zeitpunkt, wenn eine entsprechend präzisierte Frage vorgebracht wird.
| 53. Nevertheless, always be aware that it will only ever be a few who will really ask about the actual and essential in respect of the essence of everything spiritual and creational, and, in order to teach them, you will fulfil your mission in this life through your current personality.
| 53. Nevertheless, always be aware that it will only ever be a few who will really ask about the actual and essential in reference to the essence of everything spiritual and creational, and, for the sake of their learning, you will fulfil your mission in this life through your current personality.
| 53. Doch sei dir immer bewusst, dass es stets nur wenige sein werden, die wirklich nach dem Eigentlichen und Essentiellen fragen werden in bezug auf das Wesen alles Geistigen und Schöpferischen, um deren Lehre willen du durch deine gegenwärtige Persönlichkeit in diesem Leben deine Mission erfüllen wirst.
| 54. You stand in this life to teach the humans the truth of all truth, so the humans gain clarity and free themselves from the false teachings of the religions and their harmful consequences.
| 54. You are in this life in order to teach the human beings the truth of all truth, so that the human beings will gain clarity and free themselves from the false teachings of the religions and their outgrowths.
| 54. Du stehst in diesem Leben, um die Wahrheit aller Wahrheit den Menschen zu lehren, damit die Menschen Klarheit gewinnen und sich von den Irrlehren der Religionen und ihren Auswüchsen befreien.
| 55. Through the teaching of the spirit which you will teach and spread from 1975, the real truth and light should come to the humans, thereby fulfilling the Earth humans' deepest wishes for true love and freedom, and for peace and harmony.
| 55. Through the spiritual teaching, which you will teach and spread from 1975, the real truth and light shall come to the human beings, thereby fulfilling the Earth human beings’ deepest wishes for true love and freedom, for peace and harmony.
| 55. Durch die Lehre des Geistes, die du ab 1975 lehren und verbreiten wirst, soll die wirkliche Wahrheit und Licht zu den Menschen kommen, damit sich der Erdenmenschen tiefste Wünsche nach wahrer Liebe und Freiheit, nach Frieden und Harmonie erfüllen.
| 56. For the teaching of the spirit, which has been the teaching of Nokodemion, Henock and all your earlier personalities since time immemorial, you should, as it was in all past times, as a reciprocal gift, only require a will to learn, love, peace, freedom, harmony, joy, industriousness, justice and humanity as well as humanness, not, however, any material things through which you could attain wealth, because if you want to acquire such, then you should create this through manual labor, not, however, by growing rich through the teaching.
| 56. For the spiritual teaching, which has been the teaching of Nokodemion, Henok and all your former personalities since time immemorial, you should, as it was in all past times, only require as a reciprocal gift, a will to learn, love, peace, freedom, harmony, joy, diligence, equitableness and humaneness as well as the quality of being human, not, however, any material things through which you could achieve wealth, because if you want to acquire such, you should create this through the work of your hands, not, however, by growing rich through the teaching.
| 56. Für die Lehre des Geistes, die von alters her die Lehre Nokodemions, Henoks und all deiner früheren Persönlichkeiten ist, sollst du, wie es zu allen vergangenen Zeiten war, als Gegengabe nur Lernwillen, Liebe, Frieden, Freiheit, Harmonie, Freude, Fleiss, Gerechtigkeit und Menschlichkeit sowie Menschsein verlangen, nicht jedoch irgendwelche materiellen Dinge, durch die du zu Reichtum gelangen könntest, denn wenn du solchen erwerben willst, dann sollst du diesen durch deiner Hände Arbeit schaffen, nicht jedoch indem du dich durch die Lehre bereichern würdest.
| 57. It will indeed be required that you can also finance your livelihood, for which reason you must take it upon yourself that you have, through regulated provisions, a secure position in respect of your work, which, however, never permits a foothold for the acquisition of wealth.
| 57. Without doubt it will be necessary that you can also finance your livelihood, for which reason you must take it upon yourself that you - through regulated provisions in respect of your work - achieve security, which, nevertheless, may never be based upon acquisition of personal wealth.
| 57. Wohl wird es erforderlich sein, dass du auch deinen Lebensunterhalt bestreiten kannst, weshalb es dir eigen sein muss, dass du durch geregelte Vorkehrungen in bezug auf deine Arbeit eine Sicherstellung hast, die jedoch niemals in einer Bereicherung fussen darf.
| 58. Your work will be hard and you must work very much, and indeed in regard to the mission itself, as well as also for your livelihood before doing the mission.
| 58. Your work will be hard, and you must work very much, and indeed in regard to the mission itself, as well as also for the sake of your livelihood prior to the mission.
| 58. Deine Arbeit wird hart sein, und du musst sehr viel arbeiten, und zwar sowohl hinsichtlich der Mission selbst, wie auch um deines Lebensunterhaltes vor der Mission willen.
| 59. Additionally, your work will not be simple and confined to one occupation, because, in order for you to master everything that you must master, you will learn and practice very many different occupations.
| 59. Moreover, your work will not be easy and limited to one occupation, because, in order for you to master everything that you must master, you will learn and practice very many different occupations.
| 59. Ausserdem wird deine Arbeit nicht einfach und auf eine Tätigkeit beschränkt sein, denn damit du alles beherrschst, was du beherrschen musst, wirst du sehr viele verschiedene Tätigkeiten erlernen und ausüben.
| 60. That which you learn will be especially important from the year 1977 when you will construct a site of learning, and indeed quite near to the birthplace of your mother.
| 60. That which you learn will become especially important from the year 1977, when you will construct a site of learning, and, indeed, in close proximity to the birthplace of your mother.
| 60. Das Erlernte wird besonders wichtig sein ab dem Jahr 1977, wenn du eine Stätte des Lernens aufbauen wirst, und zwar ganz in der Nähe des Geburtsortes deiner Mutter.
| 61. You will therefore have, in your life, very much to do, and indeed unusually much, and also unusually much to learn and to experience.
| 61. You will therefore have, in your life, very much to do, and indeed unusually much, and also unusually much to learn and to experience.
| 61. Du wirst also in deinem Leben sehr viel, und zwar ungewöhnlich viel zu tun haben und auch ungewöhnlich viel lernen und erleben.  
| 62. Yet this is necessary, so you can fulfill your task.
| 62. Yet this is necessary, so you can fulfil your task.
| 62. Doch dies ist notwendig, damit du deine Aufgabe erfüllen kannst.  
| 63. But that does not exalt you above other humans, so you are not their master in regard to the teaching of the spirit, as also nobody can be master over you.
| 63. But that does not raise you above other human beings, thus you are not their master concerning the spiritual teaching, just as nobody can be master over you.
| 63. Das erhebt dich aber nicht über andere Menschen, so du in bezug auf die Geisteslehre nicht deren Meister bist, wie auch niemand über dich Meister sein kann.
| 64. You will certainly be a guide of a group from 1975, yet not in the form of a mighty one, ruler or master, because only thereby can the humans move freely and be independent in their thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as in their personal actions and behavior.
| 64. You will certainly be a leader of a group from 1975, however, not in the form of a mighty figure, ruler or master, because only thereby can the human beings move freely and independently in their thoughts, feelings and emotions, as well as in their personal actions and behaviour.
| 64. Du wirst wohl ab 1975 ein Leiter einer Gruppierung sein, doch nicht in Form eines Mächtigen, Herrschers oder Meisters, denn nur dadurch können sich die Menschen frei bewegen und selbständig sein in ihren Gedanken, Gefühlen und Emotionen sowie in ihrem persönlichen Wirken und Handeln.
| 65. You have come to teach oneness and unity, however not humility, subservience and bondage or enslaved servitude and fanaticism, and, however, also not disunity and dualism or trinity, as it is with certain religions.
| 65. You have come to teach unity and concord, however, not submissiveness, obsequiousness and servitude or dependence and fanaticism, nor disunity and dualism or trinity, as it is with certain religions.
| 65. Du bist gekommen, um die Einheit und Eintracht zu lehren, nicht jedoch Demut, Unterwürfigkeit und Knechtschaft oder Hörigkeit und Fanatismus, so aber auch nicht Zwiespältigkeit und Dualismus oder Trinität wie gewisse Religionen.
| 66. Oneness and unity bound with true love as well as with peace, genuine freedom and harmony, are not of a political nature, rather they are values that are only to be won through insight and through the recognition of the actual truth, and indeed without money and other kinds of wealth, without war, dispute, hate, force, bombs and weapons.
| 66. Unity and concord, connected with true love as well as with peace, genuine freedom and harmony, are not of a political nature, rather they are values which are only to be won through insight and through the recognition of the actual truth, and namely without money and other wealth, without war, discord, hatred, gewalt2, bombs and weapons.<ref>'''Gewalt:''' to use physical, psychic, mental and consciousness powers, capabilities and skills, with all available means of force, in order to carry out monstrous deeds and actions.</ref>
| 66. Die Einheit und Eintracht, verbunden mit wahrer Liebe sowie mit Frieden, echter Freiheit und Harmonie, sind nicht politischer Natur, sondern Werte, die nur durch Einsicht und durch die Erkennung der tatsächlichen Wahrheit zu gewinnen sind, und zwar ohne Geld und sonstigen Reichtum, ohne Krieg, Zwist, Hass, Gewalt, Bomben und Waffen.
| 67. You will produce an inexhaustible wellspring of knowledge, wisdom, love, freedom and peace as well as harmony.
| 67. You will create an inexhaustible wellspring of knowledge, wisdom, love, freedom and peace as well as harmony.
| 67. Du wirst eine unerschöpfliche Quelle des Wissens, der Weisheit, der Liebe, der Freiheit und des Friedens sowie der Harmonie schaffen.
| 68. A wellspring from which all humans of all races and every faith, every skin color and every standing can be refreshed.
| 68. A wellspring at which all human beings of all races and every faith, of every skin colour and every rank, can refresh themselves.
| 68. Eine Quelle, an der sich alle Menschen aller Rassen und jedes Glaubens, jeder Hautfarbe und jedes Standes erquicken können.
| 69. And what your desire is - what you want to bring the humans - is oneness, peace, unity, knowledge, wisdom, love, freedom, and harmony in the deep truth and cognition that in the entire creational realm, in the entire universe, everything is one and joined together.
| 69. And what your desire is - what you want to bring the human beings - is unity, peace, concord, knowledge, wisdom, love, freedom, and harmony in more profound truth, and cognisant that, in the entire creational realm, in the entire universe, everything is one and bound together.
| 69. Und was dein Begehr ist, was du den Menschen bringen willst, ist Einheit, Frieden, Eintracht, Wissen, Weisheit, Liebe, Freiheit und Harmonie in tiefer Wahrheit und in Erkenntnis, dass im gesamtschöpferischen Bereich, im gesamten Universum, alles eins und miteinander verbunden ist.
| 70. But, this being one and being joined with all and everything, is the result of the power and the immeasurable love of Creation which gives everything selflessly and demands no payment for it.
| 70. However, this oneness and connectedness with all and everything, is the result of the might and the immeasurable love of Creation, which gives everything selflessly and demands no payment for it.
| 70. Dieses Einssein und Verbundensein mit allem und jedem aber ist das Resultat der Macht und der unermesslichen Liebe der Schöpfung, die selbstlos alles gibt und keinen Lohn dafür verlangt.
| 71. The humans' biggest problem is their ignorance with regard to Creation and its laws and commandments.
| 71. The biggest problem of the human being is his ignorance concerning Creation and its laws and recommendations.
| 71. Das grösste Problem des Menschen ist sein Unwissen hinsichtlich der Schöpfung und deren Gesetze und Gebote.  
| 72. This is not a problem of one single class of society or of an individual direction of belief, rather it is a problem of every single human, a problem of the whole of humanity.
| 72. This problem is not merely that of one single social class or one single religious orientation, but it is a problem of every single human being, a problem of the entire humanity.
| 72. Dieses Problem ist nicht nur das einer einzigen Gesellschaftsklasse oder einer einzigen Glaubensrichtung, sondern es ist ein Problem jedes einzelnen Menschen, ein Problem der ganzen Menschheit.
| 73. In this ignorance, the humans are dependent on their illusions, wishes and desires, on their addictions, vices and on all the pleasures and the material trumpery; on all that from which neither the individual human is able to free himself, nor from which the entire humanity is able to free itself.
| 73. In this ignorance, the human beings are dependent on their illusions, wishes and desires, on their addictions, vices and on all the pleasures and material trumpery; from all of which neither the individual human being is able to liberate himself nor the entire humanity is able to liberate itself.
| 73. In diesem Unwissen sind die Menschen abhängig von ihren Illusionen, Wünschen und Begierden, von ihren Süchten, Lastern und von all den Vergnügungen und dem materiellen Tand, von all dem sich weder der einzelne Mensch noch die ganze Menschheit zu befreien vermag.
| 74. And through this ignorance, an uncertainty for life spreads out, whereby hate, wars, murder, avarice, jealousy and revenge as well as all kinds of criminality come into being, such as even monstrous, destructive and annihilating weapons, like the atom bombs, which already in a short time, will be misused by the Americans for a deadly and annihilating function if they destroy the Japanese city of Hiroshima in this year on the 6th of August through a nuclear weapon operation, and claim hundreds of thousands of dead, then to repeat the same crime on August 9th with the likewise Japanese city of Nagasaki, which yet again will cost around 100,000 human lives.
| 74. And through this unknowledge, an uncertainty for life spreads out, whereby hate, wars, murder, avarice, jealousy and the urge for revenge as well as all kinds of criminality arise, such as even monstrous, destructive and annihilating weapons, such as the atom bombs, which, already in a short time, will be abused by the Americans for a deadly and annihilating function, when they destroy the Japanese city of Hiroshima in this year on the 6th of August, by means of a nuclear weapon operation, and claim hundreds of thousands of dead, then to repeat the same crime on the 9th of August with the likewise Japanese city of Nagasaki, which, once again, will cost the lives of around 100,000 human beings.
| 74. Und durch dieses Unwissen macht sich eine Ungewissheit für das Leben breit, wodurch Hass, Kriege, Mord, Habgier, Eifersucht und Rachsucht sowie Kriminalität aller Art entstehen, wie aber auch ungeheure zerstörerische und vernichtende Waffen, wie die Atombomben, die schon in kurzer Zeit von den Amerikanern zu einem tödlichen und vernichtenden Werk missbraucht werden, wenn sie in diesem Jahr am 6. August die japanische Stadt Hiroshima durch einen Kernwaffeneinsatz zerstören und Hunderttausende von Toten fordern werden, um das gleiche Verbrechen am 9. August bei der ebenfalls japanischen Stadt Nagasaki zu wiederholen, was abermals rund 100000 Menschenleben kosten wird.
| 75. The teaching that you will bring, the teaching of the spirit, is, to that end, intended to lead the humans on the path of truth, love, peace, freedom and harmony.
| 75. The teaching that you will bring, the spiritual teaching, is, to that end, intended to lead the human beings on the path of truth, love, peace, freedom and harmony.
| 75. Die Lehre, die du bringen wirst, die Lehre des Geistes, ist dazu gedacht, die Menschen auf den Weg der Wahrheit, der Liebe, des Friedens, der Freiheit und Harmonie zu führen.  
| 76. It is intended to transform the humans and the world.
| 76. It is intended to transform the human beings and the world.
| 76. Sie ist gedacht, um die Menschen und die Welt zu verwandeln.
| 77. And in order to bring this teaching, you have obliged yourself in relation to yourself and in relation to life, as well as in relation to Creation and the humans.
| 77. And in order to bring this teaching, you have obliged yourself in regard to yourself, and life, as well as in regard to Creation and the human beings.
| 77. Und um diese Lehre zu bringen, hast du dich gegenüber dir selbst und gegenüber dem Leben sowie gegenüber der Schöpfung und den Menschen verpflichtet.  
| 78. Therefore you will work hard and incessantly in the observation of your entire responsibility.
| 78. You will work hard and incessantly for that, in observation of your entire responsibility.
| 78. Dafür wirst du in Wahrnehmung deiner ganzen Verantwortung hart und ohne Unterlass arbeiten.
| 79. Through your knowledge and your wisdom as well as through the power of your consciousness, your body and through your manual work, you will point to an old new direction in love, peace, freedom, balance, joy and harmony, which can point to progress in the entire thinking as well as in the feelings and functions and actions of humans.
| 79. Through your knowledge and your wisdom as well as through the power of your consciousness, your body and through your manual work, you will point to an old new direction in love, peace, freedom, balance, joy and harmony, which can point to progress in the entire thinking as well as in the feelings and functions and actions of the human beings.
| 79. Durch dein Wissen und deine Weisheit sowie durch die Kraft deines Bewusstseins, deines Körpers und durch deiner Hände Arbeit wirst du in Liebe, Frieden, Freiheit, Ausgeglichenheit, Freude und Harmonie eine alte neue Richtung weisen, die im gesamten Denken sowie in den Gefühlen und im Wirken und Handeln des Menschen einen Fortschritt weisen kann.
| 80. It will be your true love, with all your knowledgeable and wise values, which will help the humans who need your help and who will accept your help.
| 80. It will be your true love, with all your knowledgeable and wise values, which will help the human beings who need your help and who will accept your help.
| 80. Deine wahre Liebe wird es sein, den Menschen, die deiner Hilfe bedürfen und die deine Hilfe annehmen wollen mit all deinen wissenden und weisheitlichen Werten zu helfen.
| 81. And so, always be openly devoted to them if they open themselves with regard to you and with regard to the teaching of the spirit, because your goal must always be to teach and to help.
| 81. Therefore, always be openly attentive to them when they open up to you and the spiritual teaching, because your aim must always be to teach and to help.
| 81. Sei ihnen daher immer offen zugetan, wenn sie sich gegenüber dir und gegenüber der Geisteslehre öffnen, denn dein Ziel muss immer sein, zu lehren und zu helfen.
| 82. Eduard, it will be your task to awaken the Earth humans out of their sleep of untruth and ignorance.
| 82. Eduard, it will be your task to awaken the human beings of Earth out of their sleep of untruth and unknowledge.
| 82. Eduard, deine Aufgabe wird es sein, die Menschen der Erde aus ihrem Schlaf der Unwahrheit und des Unwissens zu wecken.
| 83. You must teach the humans further that they must hold themselves ready for the revolution of truth as well as for the fact of their duty which they have to fulfill with regard to Creation and its laws and commandments.
| 83. You must instruct the human beings further that they must hold themselves ready for the revolution of truth as well as for the fact of their duty which they have to fulfil in regard to Creation and its laws and recommendations.
| 83. Du musst die Menschen dahin belehren, dass sie sich für die Revolution der Wahrheit bereithalten müssen sowie für die Tatsache ihrer zu erfüllenden Pflicht gegenüber der Schöpfung und ihren Gesetzen und Geboten.
| 84. The obeying of this fulfillment of duty also comes like a revolution, because only few will take it upon themselves to consciously fulfill this obligation.
| 84. Also, adhering to this fulfilment of duty amounts to a revolution, because only a few will take it upon themselves to consciously fulfil this obligation.
| 84. Auch das Befolgen dieser Pflichterfüllung kommt einer Revolution gleich, denn nur wenigen ist sie in der Weise eigen, dass sie bewusst erfüllt wird.  
| 85. This comprehensive revolution is however not built on politics and also knows no parties at all, because real freedom is arranged in its essence, accordingly, every single human has the free choice of his thoughts and feelings as well as his actions and his dealings, as every individual can therefore freely decide whether he will further turn to untruth and ignorance or to knowledge, wisdom and true love, peace, welfare, and balance and harmony.
| 85. Nevertheless, this comprehensive revolution is not built upon politics and also knows no parties at all, because, in its essence, it is aligned with real freedom. Accordingly, every single human being has the free choice of his thoughts and feelings as well as his actions and dealings, thus, every individual can therefore freely decide whether he wants to further turn to untruth and unknowledge or to knowledge, wisdom and true love, peace, wellbeing, and balance and harmony.
| 85. Diese umfassende Revolution ist jedoch nicht auf Politik aufgebaut und kennt auch keinerlei Parteien, denn in ihrer Essenz ist sie der wirklichen Freiheit eingeordnet, der gemäss jeder einzelne Mensch die freie Wahl seiner Gedanken und Gefühle sowie seines Wirkens und seiner Handlungen hat, so also jeder einzelne frei entscheiden kann, ob er sich weiterhin der Unwahrheit und dem Unwissen zuwenden will oder dem Wissen, der Weisheit und der wahren Liebe, dem Frieden, Wohlergehen und der Ausgeglichenheit und Harmonie.
| 86. The teaching of the truth, respectively, the teaching of the spirit - the teaching of the truth of Creation - should, however, be that which points the way for every human, so that everyone can follow it according his own will, if he is willing to do that.
| 86. The teaching of the truth, or, the spiritual teaching, the teaching of the creational truth, shall, however, be the signpost for every human being, so that everybody can follow it according to his own will, if he is willing.
| 86. Die Lehre der Wahrheit resp. die Lehre des Geistes, die Lehre der Schöpfungswahrheit soll aber für jeden Menschen der Wegweiser sein, damit jeder nach eigenem Willen diesem folgen kann, wenn er dazu gewillt ist.
| 87. The teaching should become a movement that spreads worldwide and should bring peace, love and freedom as well as all other high values to the humans of this world.
| 87. The teaching shall become a movement, which shall spread worldwide and bring peace, love and freedom, as well as all other high values, to the human beings of this world.
| 87. Die Lehre soll eine Bewegung werden, die weltweit verbreitet und dem Menschen dieser Welt Frieden, Liebe und Freiheit sowie alle sonstigen hohen Werte bringen soll.
| 88. However you must always be conscious that evil mighty ones, the envious, vilifiers, deceivers, liars, thieves and all kinds of other negative powers, who will also undertake murderous attacks on you, will try to impair and destroy your entire work and energy, whereby also a stop will not be made to accusing you of malicious things before the law in order to destroy your mission.
| 88. However, you must always be aware that evil mighty-ones, the envious, slanderers, deceivers, liars, thieves and all kinds of other negative powers, who will also undertake murderous attacks on you, will try to impair and destroy your entire work and energy, whereby also a stop will not be made to accusing you of malicious things in court in order to destroy your mission.
| 88. Jedoch musst du dir immer bewusst sein, dass böse Mächte, Missgünstige, Verleumder, Betrüger, Lügner, Diebe und allerlei sonstige negative Kräfte, die auch Mordanschläge auf dich unternehmen werden, deine ganze Arbeit und Energie zu beeinträchtigen und zu zerstören versuchen werden, wobei auch nicht davor Halt gemacht werden wird, dich vor Gericht bösartiger Dinge zu beschuldigen, um deine Mission zu zerstören.
| 89. But always be confident, because if you undeviatingly and consciously do your duty to your mission, live virtuously, preserve your modesty and honesty, and keep true love in its place in you, then, ultimately, all attacks of every kind will be configured for your use and success.
| 89. But always be confident, because, if you unswervingly and consciously do your duty to your mission, live virtuously, preserve your modesty and honesty and true love’s place within you, then, ultimately, all attacks of every kind will turn out to benefit you and bring you success.
| 89. Doch sei stets getrost, denn wenn du unbeirrbar und bewusst deiner Mission obliegst, deinen Tugenden lebst, deine Bescheidenheit und Ehrlichkeit bewahrst und der wahren Liebe ihren Platz in dir bewahrst, dann werden sich alle Angriffe jeder Art in letzter Weise zu deinem Nutzen und Erfolg gestalten.
| 90. So it will come that all that is concocted against you negatively, deceitfully, murderously, slanderously, mendaciously, enviously and with theft in mind, constantly changes to progress and success for you and your mission.
| 90. Thus it will happen that everything which is negatively, fraudulently, murderously, slanderously, mendaciously, thievishly and enviously concocted against you steadily changes itself to progress and success for you and your mission.
| 90. So wird es kommen, dass all das gegen dich negativ, betrügerisch, mörderisch, verleumderisch, lügnerisch, diebisch und missgünstig Ausgeheckte sich für dich und deine Mission stetig zu Fortschritt und Erfolg wandelt.
| 91. Thereby your group, which will be built up from you, will grow as a nucleus just as will the outer grouping which will assume worldwide forms.
| 91. Thereby your group, which is to be built up by you, will grow as a nucleus just as much as the external group, which will assume worldwide forms.
| 91. Dadurch wird deine von dir aufzubauende Gruppierung als Kern ebenso wachsen wie auch die äussere Gruppierung, die weltweite Formen annehmen wird.
| 92. In this respect also electronic and other technology will be helpful to you, because in the time to come everything in this regard will develop so rapidly that that which is new, meanwhile, will already become obsolete again within a few days.
| 92. Concerning this, also electronic and other technology will be helpful to you, because, in the time to come, everything in this regard will develop so rapidly that each new thing will already become obsolete again within a few days.
| 92. Diesbezüglich wird dir auch die elektronische und sonstige Technik hilfreich sein, denn in kommender Zeit wird sich in dieser Hinsicht alles derart rasant entwickeln, dass das Neue jeweils bereits innerhalb weniger Tage wieder veraltet sein wird.
| 93. Thereby you will be able to disperse the teaching of the truth to the entire world, because the information will reach its destination within seconds.
| 93. Thereby you will be able to spread the teaching of the truth throughout the entire world, because the information will reach its destination within seconds.
| 93. Dadurch wirst du die Lehre der Wahrheit in die ganze Welt verbreiten können, denn die Informationen werden in Sekundenschnelle ihre Zielorte erreichen.
| 94. Therefore it is not a necessity for you to defend yourself against attacking behavior directed against you, because all who advance against you in any kind of negative way only damage themselves.
| 94. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to defend yourself against the attacking behaviour directed at you, because all who take action against you in any kind of negative form will only harm themselves.
| 94. Also ist es für dich keine Notwendigkeit, dass du dich gegen die gegen dich gerichteten Angriffigkeiten zur Wehr setzt, weil sich alle selbst nur schaden, die in irgendeiner negativen Form gegen dich vorgehen werden.  
| 95. Therefore, always maintain your neutrality in regard to all attacks against your person or against your mission.
| 95. Therefore, always react neutrally in regard to all attacks against your person or against your mission.
| 95. Verhalte dich also immer neutral gegenüber allen Angriffen gegen deine Person oder gegen deine Mission.  
| 96. Learn to control yourself in these things and to always stay calm, because that is the best weapon and the best defense against any attack.
| 96. Learn to control yourself in these things and to always remain calm, because that is the best weapon and the best defence against any attack.
| 96. Lerne dich in diesen Dingen zu kontrollieren und stets ruhig zu bleiben, denn das ist die beste Waffe und die beste Verteidigung gegen jeden Angriff.
| 97. You will have to learn that already now, at your young age, which is why the events, situations, and things will come to you that you will have to learn to overcome.
| 97. You will have to learn that already now, at your young age, which is why events, situations and things will come to you that you must learn to overcome.
| 97. Du wirst das schon jetzt in deinem jungen Alter erlernen müssen, weshalb Geschehen, Situationen und Dinge auf dich zukommen werden, die du zu bewältigen lernen musst.  
| 98. You will have to bear much pain through your thoughts and feelings as well as through your emotions which you must bring under control.
| 98. You will have to endure much pain as a result of your thoughts and feelings as well as through your emotions which you must bring under control.
| 98. Du wirst viele Schmerzen ertragen müssen, sowohl durch deine Gedanken und Gefühle wie auch durch deine Emotionen, die du unter Kontrolle bringen musst.
| 99. Also, you will not remain spared from physical pain, because in 1964 you will meet a fate in which you will lose your left arm.
| 99. Also, you will not remain spared from physical pain, because, in 1964, you will meet a fate in which you will lose your left arm.
| 99. Auch körperlicher Schmerz wird dir nicht erspart bleiben, denn 1964 wird dich ein Geschick treffen, durch das du deinen linken Arm verlieren wirst.
| 100. That will, however, be an incentive for you for further hard lessons that you will have to withstand and overcome, through which you will, however, be enabled to construct that place, together with those who gather around you, which you will name the Semjase Silver Star Center, and from where you, with help from those who will stand by you, will start, and spread, your mission worldwide.
| 100. That will, however, be an incentive for you for further hard lessons which you will have to get through and with which you will have to cope, through which you will, however, enable yourself, together with the loyal who gather around you, to build up the headquarters, which you will name Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, and from where you, with the help of those who will stand by you, will begin, and spread, your mission worldwide.
| 100. Das aber wird dir ein Ansporn für weitere harte Lehren sein, die du durchzustehen und zu bewältigen haben wirst, durch die du dich jedoch befähigen wirst, zusammen mit sich um dich scharende jenen Sitz aufzubauen, den du Semjase-Silver-Star-Center nennen wirst und von wo aus du mit Hilfe jener, welche zu dir stehen werden, deine Mission weltweit starten und verbreiten wirst.
| 101. Thereby my request of you is that you build up your strengths and always apply and control your energies in good measure, because they will be of just as enormous significance - so that you may do your work - as will your true love, your wisdom, and your high and far-reaching knowledge of the spiritual and creational matters, whereby I must admit that, in this regard, you will overtake even me and all those who will come after me and maintain the meetings with you.
| 101. Aside from that, it is my request that you build up your powers and always apply and control your energies in good measure, because they will also be of just as enormous significance - so that you may do your work - as will your true love, your wisdom and your high and far-reaching knowledge of the spiritual and creational matters, whereby I must confess that, in this regard, you will even be head and shoulders above me and all those who come after me and maintain the meetings with you.
| 101. Mein Anliegen dabei ist das, dass du deine Kräfte aufbaust und deine Energien stets in gutem Masse einsetzt und kontrollierst, denn sie werden ebenso von enormer Bedeutung sein, dass du deine Arbeit zu tun vermagst, wie auch deine wahre Liebe, deine Weisheit und dein hohes und weitreichendes Wissen der geistigen und schöpferischen Belange, wobei ich gestehen muss, dass du in dieser Beziehung selbst mich und alle jene überragen wirst, die nach mir kommen und die Begegnung mit dir aufrechterhalten.
| 102. Only on certain grounds will they be more ignorant than me regarding this, because they also have very much to learn, which is why you will also be their teacher, which is something that they will have to first recognize and understand.
| 102. But, for particular reasons, they will be more ignorant than me regarding this, because they also still have very much to learn, which is why you will also be a teacher to them, which, however, is something that they will first have to recognise and understand.
| 102. Nur werden sie aus bestimmten Gründen diesbezügllch unwissender sein als ich, weil auch sie noch sehr viel zu lernen haben, weshalb du auch ihnen Lehrer sein wirst, was sie jedoch erst erkennen und verstehen müssen.
| 103. But that will take a long time, but then they will recognize who you really are, which abilities and which knowledge you possess and which earlier personalities belonged to your spirit form.
| 103. But that will take a long time, however, then they will recognise who you really are, which abilities and which knowledge you possess and which former personalities belonged to your spirit form.
| 103. Das aber wird lange Zeit dauern, doch dann werden sie erkennen wer du wirklich bist, welche Fähigkeiten und welches Wissen du besitzt, und welche früheren Persönlichkeiten deiner Geistform eigen waren.
| 104. But it is not my role to reveal this knowledge now, because this duty belongs to a form of life higher than me, namely the Arahat Athersata level, which will teach you through spiritual telepathy, while I can only pass on my knowledge to you verbally and through my apparatus. 
| 104. However, it is not up to me to reveal this knowledge now, because this duty is assigned to a higher form than me, namely, the Arahat Athersata level, which will teach you through spiritual telepathy, while I can only pass on my knowledge to you linguistically and through my pieces of equipment.
| 104. Es liegt aber nicht an mir, dieses Wissen jetzt zu offenbaren, denn diese Pflicht ist einer höheren Form zugeordnet als mir, nämlich der Ebene Arahat Athersata, die dich geisttelepathisch belehren wird, während ich dir mein Wissen nur sprachlich und durch meine Apparaturen weitergeben kann.  
| 105. Therefore practice also spiritual telepathy, in which I, along with many others, will instruct you, because the Arahat Athersata level can only connect with you in this manner, whereby however, this will only be one-sided, so you therefore will receive only that which is instructive.
| 105. Therefore also practice spiritual-telepathy, in which, along with many other things, I will also instruct you, because the level Arahat Athersata can only connect with you in this manner, whereby, however, this will only be one-sided, thus you will receive only that which is instructive.
| 105. Übe dich also auch in der Geisttelepathie, in der ich dich ebenfalls nebst vielem anderem unterrichten werde, denn die Ebene Arahat Athersata kann nur in dieser Weise mit dir in Verbindung treten, wobei diese jedoch nur einseitig sein wird, so du also nur lehrreich empfangen wirst.
| 106. In doing it together with me, you will, however, learn to communicate with spiritual telepathy, because I have mastered this form just as much as any of my people who will come to meet with you after me.
| 106. In doing it together with me, you will, however, learn to communicate spirit-telepathically, because I have mastered this form just as much as any of my people who will get into contact with you after me.
| 106. Im Zusammentun mit mir wirst du jedoch geisttelephatisch kommunizieren lernen, denn dieser Form bin ich ebenso mächtig wie jene aus meinem Volk, welche nach mir mit dir in Verbindung treten werden.
| 107. This is also the form of telepathy that is able to bridge the endless distances of the universe, and indeed without loss of time, whereas the simple form of telepathy reaches only three light-seconds, which corresponds to about a million kilometers.
| 107. This is also the form of telepathy that is able to bridge the endless distances of the universe, indeed without loss of time, while the simple form of telepathy only reaches as far as three light seconds, which corresponds to about 1,000,000 kilometres.
| 107. Diese Form der Telepathie ist es auch, die unendliche Weiten des Universums zu überbrücken vermag, und zwar ohne Zeitverlust, während die einfache Form der Telepathie nur drei Lichtsekunden weit reicht, was rund einer Million Kilometer entspricht.
| 108. I want to recommend to you that you are always brave and courageous, because it will thereby only be possible that, at a given time, you also bravely and courageously support your members because your courage and your braveness will carry over onto them just as will also many of your other values.
| 108. I would like to advise you to always be brave and courageous, because only thereby will it be possible that, at a given time, also the members of your group will support you bravely and courageously, because your courage and your bravery will equally be transferred onto them just as will also many of your other values.
| 108. Nahelegen möchte ich dir, dass du stets tapfer und mutig bist, denn nur dadurch wird es möglich sein, dass dich zur gegebenen Zeit auch die Mitglieder deiner Gruppierung mutig und tapfer unterstützen, denn dein Mut und deine Tapferkeit werden ebenso auf sie übertragen werden wie auch viele andere deiner Werte.  
| 109. As my research has revealed, it will unfortunately be unavoidable that various betrayers will enter your group, who, while they are present and also after they go their way, will want to maliciously and vengefully inflict damage on you in order to destroy you as well as your mission.
| 109. As my investigations have revealed, it will unfortunately be unavoidable, that various betrayers will enter your group, who - while they are present and also after their departure - will want to maliciously and vengefully inflict damage on you in order to destroy you as well as your mission.
| 109. Zu vermeiden wird leider nicht sein, wie meine Erforschungen ergeben haben, dass verschiedene Verräter in deine Gruppierung eintreten werden, die dir während ihrem Beisein und auch nach ihrem Weg gehen böswillig und rachsüchtig Schaden zufügen wollen, um dich sowie deine Mission zu zerstören.
| 110. Unfortunately, aside from some exceptions, it will be members who will join the group as a result of earlier determinations.
| 110. Unfortunately, apart from some exceptions, these will be members who will join the group due to former determinations.
| 110. Leider werden es, nebst einigen Ausnahmen, Mitglieder sein, die durch frühere Bestimmungen der Gruppierung beitreten werden.
| 111. I will tell you the names of all these and all other group members at a later point in time.
| 111. I will tell you the names of all these and all other group members at a later date.
| 111. Die Namen all dieser und aller anderen Gruppierungsmitglieder werde ich dir zu späterem Zeitpunkt nennen.
| 112. Yet always be aware, if you are firmly determined, courageous and brave, honest, modest, virtuous, knowing, wisely unprejudiced as well as full of strength and energy, undeviatingly going your way and letting your true love govern, are persevering, observing your responsibility to yourself, to life and humans as well as to the entirety of nature and its life-forms, then no kinds of attacks from the humans can hurt you; it is entirely the same regardless of whichever kind they may also be.
| 112. Yet always be aware that, if you are fully determined, courageous and brave, honest, modest, virtuous, knowing, wisely egalitarian as well as full of power and energy, unswervingly going your way and allowing your true love to prevail, are persevering, observing your responsibility towards yourself, life and the human beings as well as the entire nature and its life forms, then no kinds of attacks by the human beings can harm you, regardless of whichever kind these may be.
| 112. Doch sei dir immer bewusst, wenn du fest entschlossen, mutig und tapfer, ehrlich, bescheiden, tugendhaft, wissend, weise gleichberechtigend sowie kraft- und energievoll bist, unbeirrbar deinen Weg gehst und deine wahre Liebe walten lässt, ausdauernd bist, deine Verantwortung gegenüber dir, dem Leben und den Menschen sowie der ganzen Natur und ihren Lebensformen wahrnimmst, dann können dir keinerlei Angriffe der Menschen etwas anhaben, ganz gleich welcher Art diese auch immer sein mögen.
| 113. You will defy fire, water and storm and thereby visibly verify the teachings of the truth for the fellow humans.
| 113. You will defy fire, water and storm and thereby visibly verify the teaching of the truth for the fellow human beings.
| 113. Du wirst Feuer, Wasser und Sturm trotzen und dadurch die Lehre der Wahrheit für die Mitmenschen sichtbar bewahrheiten.
| 114. Yet never use your powers of consciousness and of the spirit in order to gain profit or in order to put yourself on show.
| 114. But never use your powers of consciousness and of the spirit in order to gain profit or in order to put yourself on show.
| 114. Doch nutze niemals deine Kräfte des Bewusstseins und des Geistes, um Profit zu gewinnen oder um dich zur Schau zu stellen.
| 115. Because if you do employ these powers - be told this another time - then they should and are permitted to only be used for the purposes of instruction or to helpfully stand by the humans.
| 115. Because, if you do apply these powers - be told this another time - then they shall be, and are only permitted to be, used for the purposes of instruction or to helpfully stand by the human beings.
| 115. Denn wenn du diese Kräfte zur Anwendung bringen wirst, das sei dir ein andermal gesagt, dann sollen und dürfen sie nur zu Belehrungszwecken sein oder um den Menschen hilfreich beizustehen.
| 116. And if you should be asked to do such, then do not do it, because otherwise you would thereby evoke dangers through which your work and mission would be endangered.
| 116. And if you should be asked to do such, then do not do it, because, otherwise, you would thereby evoke dangers through which your work and mission would be endangered.
| 116. Und solltest du gefragt werden, solches zu tun, dann tue es nicht, denn sonst würdest du damit Gefahren heraufbeschwören, durch die deine Arbeit und Mission gefährdet würden.
| 117. Consider that now already in this regard you are able to produce great power through your consciousness and do things that are impossible for other humans, yet even if you can do them, do not put them on show, except if you are thereby able to give a lesson or use them for your own enjoyment or relief.
| 117. Bear in mind, that, concerning this, you are now already able to generate great power through your consciousness and do things which are impossible for other human beings, however, even if you can do them, do not put them on show, except if you are thereby able to give a lesson or you use them for your own enjoyment or relief.
| 117. Bedenke, dass du bereits jetzt diesbezüglich grosse Kraft durch dein Bewusstsein zu erzeugen und Dinge zu tun vermagst, die andern Menschen unmöglich sind, doch auch wenn du sie tun kannst, stelle sie nicht zur Schau, ausser du vermagst dadurch eine Belehrung zu geben oder du nutzt sie zu deiner eigenen Freude oder Erleichterung.
| 118. More than ever, the coming time is developing into an epoch of great destruction and annihilation.
| 118. More than ever, the coming time is developing into an epoch of great destruction and annihilation.
| 118. Mehr denn je entwickelt sich die kommende Zeit zu einer Epoche der grossen Zerstörung und Vernichtung.  
| 119. It will begin with the criminal deeds of the Americans, when, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they bring total annihilation and destruction as well as hundreds of thousands of deaths through the dropping of atom bombs, which will already happen shortly, as I already explained to you.
| 119. It will begin with the criminal conduct of the Americans, when, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they bring total annihilation and destruction as well as hundreds of thousands of deaths through the dropping of atom bombs, which will already happen in a short while, as I already explained to you.
| 119. Beginnen wird es mit dem verbrecherischen Tun der Amerikaner, wenn sie in Hiroshima und Nagasaki durch den Abwurf von Atombomben eine totale Vernichtung und Zerstörung sowie hunderttausendfachen Tod bringen, was schon in kurzer Zeit sein wird, wie ich dir bereits erklärte.
| 120. In the coming time the human of Earth will lower himself still very much more, as he has done bellicosely since time immemorial, and through murderous religions and their sects, whereby he enslaved himself, especially through religions, to which he has become fanatically dependent and for which no human life is too valuable to him that he would not murder and exploit it, as is also the case with the rulers who know no kind of scruple.
| 120. In the coming time, the human being of Earth will degrade himself much more yet, as he has done bellicosely since time immemorial, and through the murderous religions and their sects, whereby he enslaved himself, in particular through the religions, upon which he has become fanatically dependent and for which no human life is too valuable to him that he would not murder and exploit it, as is also the case with the rulers who know no kind of scruple.
| 120. In der kommenden Zeit erniedrigt sich der Mensch der Erde noch sehr viel mehr, als er dies seit alters her kriegerisch und durch die mörderischen Religionen und deren Sekten getan hat, wodurch er sich selbst versklavte, insbesondere durch die Religionen, denen er fanatisch hörig geworden ist und für die ihm kein Menschenleben zu wertvoll ist, als dass er es nicht morden und ausbeuten würde, wie dies auch durch die Herrschenden der Fall ist, die keinerlei Skrupel kennen.
| 121. But you have come to clarify, for all humans, the hard truth with hard, open, undiplomatic and honest words, free of empty phrases, and to teach them so that they can find the right path to a higher plane.
| 121. However, you have come to clarify for all human beings, the hard truth, with hard, open, undiplomatic, honest words, free of empty phrases, and to teach them so that they can find the right path to a higher level.
| 121. Du aber bist gekommen, um allen Menschen die harte Wahrheit mit harten, offenen, undiplomatischen, ehrlichen und floskelfreien Worten klarzumachen und sie zu belehren, damit sie den richtigen Weg auf eine höhere Ebene finden können.
| 122. But for that it is necessary that you also occupy yourself with religions and sects, and learn what they are in their essential absence of value.
| 122. But for that it is necessary that you also occupy yourself with religions and sects, and learn what they are in their actual negative sense and wrong value.
| 122. Dazu aber ist es notwendig, dass du dich auch mit den Religionen und Sekten befasst und lernst, was sie in ihrem eigentlichen Unwert sind.
| 123. It will be that you enter into them yourself and learn that you, however, in your knowledge as well as in your thoughts and feelings, belong to no religion and no sect, rather that you are oriented, singly and alone, with the teaching of the truth.
| 123. Thus it will be, that you enter them and that you learn, however, in your knowledge as well as in your thoughts and feelings, that you belong to no religion and no sect, rather you align yourself solely with the teaching of the truth.
| 123. So wird es sein, dass du dich in sie hineinbegibst und lernst, dass du aber in deinem Wissen sowie in deinen Gedanken und Gefühlen keiner Religion und keiner Sekte angehörst, sondern dass du dich einzig und allein auf die lehre der Wahrheit ausrichtest.
| 124. The teaching of the truth should, in the distant future, lead to the raising of the entire terrestrial humanity, and indeed thereby that every individual human, in his higher self, consciously recognizes his creational spirit and its characteristics, and also brings into effect the spiritual values in his outer being, in his personality.
| 124. In the distant future, the teaching of the truth shall lead to the raising of the entire terrestrial humanity, namely, by the fact that every single human being, in himself, consciously recognises his higher self, his creational spirit and its characteristics, and also brings the spiritual values into effect in his outer being, in his personality.
| 124. Die lehre der Wahrheit soll in weiter Zukunft zur Erhöhung der ganzen irdischen Menschheit führen, und zwar dadurch, dass jeder einzelne Mensch in sich sein höheres Selbst, seinen schöpferischen Geist und dessen Wesenszüge bewusst erkennt und die geistigen Werte auch in seinem äusseren Wesen, in seiner Persönlichkeit, zur Geltung bringt.
| 125. Be told, however, that you must learn and practice tolerance so that you will not be partisan or unjust regarding religious beliefs of humans.
| 125. Be told, however, that you must learn and practice tolerance so as not to be biased or unfair concerning the religious faith of the human being.
| 125. Dir sei jedoch gesagt, dass du Toleranz lernen und üben musst, um nicht in bezug auf den religiösen Glauben des Menschen parteiisch oder ungerecht zu sein.
| 126. Only that qualifies you to teach the humans in truthfulness, so that they, little by little, are able to free themselves from their dependency on lower powers.
| 126. Only this enables you to teach the human beings in truthfulness, so that, gradually, they are able to escape from their dependency on lower powers.
| 126. Nur das befähigt dich, die Menschen in Wahrlichkeit zu belehren, damit sie sich nach und nach von ihrer Abhängigkeit niederer Kräfte zu befreien vermögen.
| 127. You must understand that.
| 127. You must understand that.
| 127. Das musst du verstehen.
| 128. And if you understand that, then you will also live in simplicity, modesty, honesty and love.
| 128. And when you understand that, then you will also live in simplicity, modesty, honesty and love.
| 128. Und wenn du das verstehst, dann wirst du auch in Einfachheit, Bescheidenheit, Ehrlichkeit und Liebe leben.
| 129. That qualifies you to carry the message of your mission, and thereby the teaching of the truth, out into the world.
| 129. That qualifies you to carry the message of your mission - and thereby the teaching of the truth - out into the world.
| 129. Das befähigt dich, die Botschaft deiner Mission und damit die lehre der Wahrheit in die Welt hinaus zutragen.
| 130. And that should take effect some day still far in the future, so that the angst is worked out of the world and all humans will be without angst and fear, and indeed also in association with this, that one day the employment of weapons for war-related and murderous purposes, and so forth, will cease, and they will only still find utilization for work and self-defense purposes.
| 130. And that shall take effect one day in the distant future, in that anxiety is eradicated from the world and all human beings will be without anxiety and fear, and indeed also in association with this; that one day the use of the weapons for bellicose and murderous purposes, and so forth, will cease, and they will only be used for work and self-defence purposes.
| 130. Und das soll dereinst in noch ferner Zukunft bewirken, dass die Angst aus der Welt geschafft wird und alle Menschen angst- und furchtlos werden, und zwar auch im Zusammenhang dessen, dass dereinst der Gebrauch der Waffen zu kriegerischen und mörderischen Zwecken usw. eingestellt wird und diese nur noch zu Arbeits- und Notwehrzwecken Verwendung finden.
| 131. You must fulfill your task, and to that end it is also required that you, in word and text, learn the language through which you will spread the teaching of the truth.
| 131. You must fulfil your task, and for that it is also necessary that you learn, in word and script, the language with which you will spread the teaching of the truth.
| 131. Du musst deine Aufgabe erfüllen, und dazu ist es auch erforderlich, dass du in Wort und Schrift die Sprache erlernst, durch die du die lehre der Wahrheit verbreiten wirst.
| 132. It is the language that you learn in school and of which you already have a good command - the German language.
| 132. It is the language which you learn at school and of which you already have a good command - the German language.
| 132. Es ist die Sprache, die du in der Schule erlernst und die du bereits zu guten Massen beherrschst - die deutsche Sprache.
| 133. It is namely this one which is the most valuable on Earth and offers the finest possibilities to bring the teaching of the truth finely nuanced.
| 133. This is namely the one, which is the most valuable on Earth and offers the finest possibilities for bringing the teaching of the truth finely nuanced.
| 133. Diese nämlich ist es, die auf der Erde am wertvollsten ist und die feinsten Möglichkeiten bietet, die lehre der Wahrheit fein nuanciert darzubringen.
| 134. Therefore I will instruct you just as much in this language so that you make it your own in uncommonly many values and learn to command it in the best possible measure.
| 134. Therefore, I myself will also instruct you in this language, so that you make it your own in an unusually large number of values and learn to master it to the greatest extent possible.
| 134. Also werde ich dich selbst ebenso in dieser Sprache unterrichten, damit du sie in ungewöhnlich vielen Werten dir eigen machst und sie in bestmöglichem Masse zu beherrschen lernst.
| 135. As well as myself, also helpful to you will be our linguists who know and command the German language incomparably better, in all its details, than is the case with all terrestrial linguists.
| 135. As well as myself, also helpful to you will be our linguists who know and command the German language incomparably better, in all its details, than is the case with all terrestrial linguists.
| 135. Hilfreich werden dir über mich auch unsere Sprachwissenschaftler sein, die die deutsche Sprache in allen ihren Einzelheiten ungleich besser kennen und beherrschen, als dies bei allen irdischen Sprachwissenschaftlern der Fall ist.
| 136. So you will learn a good and fluent, expressive and very extensive language, for which many will envy you.
| 136. Thus you will learn a good and fluent, expressive and very extensive language, for which many will envy you.
| 136. So wirst du eine gute und gewandte, ausdrucksvolle und sehr weitläufige Sprache erlernen, deretwegen dich viele beneiden werden.
| 137. You will also develop your own unmistakable and clear writing style with which you will produce all your texts and books, just as you will also prepare telepathic and technologically-telepathic and spiritual-telepathic transmissions.
| 137. You will also develop your own unmistakable and clear writing style, with which you will construct all your writings and books, to the same degree as you will with telepathic and technologically-telepathic and spiritual-telepathic transmissions.
| 137. Auch wirst du einen dir eigenen, unverkennbaren und kIaren Schreibstil entwickeln, mit dem du alle deine Schriften und Bücher ebenso erstellen wirst wie auch telepathische und apparaturelltelepathische und geisttelepathische Übermittlungen.
| 138. You will reproduce your records which relate to this true to their meaning and without any corruptions and without any additions, however oriented according to your style of words and writing, so that it becomes unmistakable that it will only be you who will convey the messages, pieces of instruction, and, in later times, the following talks at meetings.
| 138. You will reproduce your records, which relate to this, faithfully and without any falsifications and without your own additions, however, aligned according to your style of words and writing, so that it becomes unmistakable that it will only be you to whom the messages, pieces of instruction, and the face-to-face talks - which will follow in later times - are transmitted.
| 138. Deine diesbezüglichen Aufzeichnungen wirst du sinngetreu und ohne jegliche Verfälschungen und ohne eigene Zugaben wiedergeben, jedoch ausgerichtet nach deinem Wort- und Schreibstil, damit eine Unverkennbarkeit entsteht, dass nur du es sein wirst, dem die Botschaften, Lehrteile und die in späterer Zeit folgenden Begegnungsgespräche übermittelt werden.
| 139. That will therefore be a necessity, because many deceivers, thieves, charlatans, victims of delusion, insane and profit-greedy, will steal your material, adulterate it and will thereby make a profit.
| 139. That will therefore be a necessity, because many cheats, thieves, charlatans, victims of delusion, insane and profit-greedy persons will steal your material, falsify it and thereby make a profit.
| 139. Das wird darum eine Notwendigkeit sein, weil viele Betrüger, Diebe, Scharlatane, Wahnverfallene, Irre und Profitgierige dein Material stehlen, verfälschen und damit Gewinn machen werden.
| 140. Also it will unfortunately be that many of the names of the persons you meet who are of extraterrestrial origin, as well as the designations of the purely spiritual levels, will be shamefully abused and the assertion will be made that you would not have the meetings with us from the Plejaren systems, rather they would, or that they had these meetings at the same time as yours, which you and my successors will later name contacts and contact conversations.
| 140. Also it will unfortunately be that many will shamefully abuse the names of your contact people of extraterrestrial origin, as well as the designations of the pure-spirit levels, and they will claim that you do not have the meetings with us, from the Plejaren systems, rather they do, or that they had these meetings - which you and my successors will later name contacts and contact conversations - at the same time as you did.
| 140. Auch wird es leider sein, dass viele die Namen deiner Begegnungspersonen ausserirdischen Ursprungs sowie die Bezeichnungen der Reingeist-Ebenen schmählich missbrauchen und behaupten werden, dass nicht du die Begegnungen mit uns von den Plejarensystemen haben würdest, sondern sie, oder dass sie gleichzeitig mit dir diese Begegnungen hätten, die du und meine Nachfolgenden später Kontakte und Kontaktgespräche nennen werdet.
| 141. Then the point in time will come when these lying and slanderous events apply, when your material is thus stolen and many swindlers report worldwide in regard to alleged meetings with me and my successors, and they appear with false and fraudulent messages and even claim the impossibility that they are in telepathic connection with me or my successors, then these false contact persons, as you will then call them, will already thereby be recognizable as they assert that their physical or telepathic meetings and connections exist with beings from the Pleiades system of this space-time configuration, whereby, indeed, these are supposed to be my successors and I.
| 141. Once the point in time comes when these lying and slanderous events occur, when your material is thus stolen and many swindlers report worldwide concerning supposed meetings with me and my successors, and they appear with wrong and deceitful messages and even claim the impossibility that they are in telepathic connection with me or my successors, then these false contact persons, as you will then call them, will already thereby be recognisable as they assert that their physical or telepathic meetings and connections exist with beings from the Pleiades system of this space-time configuration, whereby, indeed, these are supposed to be my successors and I.
| 141. Kommt dann der Zeitpunkt, dass diese lügnerischen und verleumderischen Geschehen zutreffen, wenn also dein Material gestohlen wird und sich viele Betrüger und Betrügerinnen hinsichtlich angeblicher Begegnungen mit mir und meinen Nachfolgenden weltweit melden und diese mit falschen und betrügerischen Botschaften in Erscheinung treten und gar die Unmöglichkeit für sich in Anspruch nehmen werden, dass sie in telepathischer Verbindung mit mir oder meinen Nachfolgenden stünden, dann werden diese falschen Kontaktpersonen, wie ihr sie dann nennen werdet, schon dadurch zu erkennen sein, dass sie behaupten, ihre physischen oder telepathischen Begegnungen und Verbindungen bestünden mit Wesenheiten vom Plejadensystem dieses Raum-Zeit-Gefüges, womit allerdings ich und meine Nachfolgenden dies sein sollen.
| 142. But we do not belong to this space-time configuration and thereby also not to this Pleiades system which is still very young in its existence and is little more than 60,000,000 years old, and is absolutely uninhabited and uninhabitable in every regard, when thermo-bacterial life is disregarded which will disappear again in some tens of millions of years without higher life of some kind ever being able to exist there, subsequently spiritual beings will also never exist on these Pleiades stars.
| 142. But we do not belong to this space-time configuration, nor, therefore, to this Pleiades system, which is still very young in its existence and is little more than 60,000,000 years old, and is absolutely uninhabited and uninhabitable in every respect, when one disregards thermo-bacterial life, which will disappear again in some tens of millions of years without higher life of some kind ever being able to exist there. Consequently, spiritual beings will also never exist on these Pleiades stars.
| 142. Wir aber gehören nicht in dieses Raum-Zeit-Gefüge und damit auch nicht zu diesem Plejadensystem, das in seiner Existenz noch sehr jung ist und wenig mehr als 60 Millionen Jahre aufweist, in jeder Beziehung absolut unbewohnt und unbewohnbar ist, wenn von thermobakteriellem Leben abgesehen wird, das in einigen Jahrzehnmillionen von Jahren wieder vergehen wird, ohne dass dort jemals höheres Leben irgendwelcher Form zu entstehen vermag, folglich auf diesen Plejadengestirnen auch niemals geistige Wesen existent sein werden.
| 143. And in order to unmask the future swindlers, my successors and you will not name our origins according to our own language-term, Plejaren, rather by the terrestrial-human term, Pleiades, in order that the swindlers will then use this term, whereby they will expose their own fraud and lies as well as slander.
| 143. And in order to expose the future swindlers, my successors and you will not name our origins according to our own linguistic term, “Plejaren”, rather by the terrestrial human being term, “Pleiades”; accordingly, the swindlers will use this name, whereby they will expose their own fraud and lies as well as slander.
| 143. Und um die zukünftigen Betrügerinnen und Betrüger zu entlarven, werden meine Nachfolgenden und du unsere Herkunft nicht nach unserem eigenen Sprachbegriff Plejaren benennen, sondern nach dem erden menschlichen Begriff Plejaden, demgemäss die Betrüger und Betrügerinnen dann diese Bezeichnung benutzen werden, wodurch sie sich selbst des Betruges und der Lüge sowie der Verleumdung entlarven.  
| 144. If this then happens in greater measure, then you, just as much as my successors, will reveal the truth and set everything right.
| 144. When this happens in greater measure, then you, just as much as my successors, will reveal the truth and rectify everything.
| 144. Geschieht dies dann in grösserem Masse, dann wirst du ebenso wie auch meine Nachfolgenden die Wahrheit offenbaren und alles richtigstellen.
| 145. You should now already know that the successor to my person, will, as of 1953, be a young woman from the DAL universe, where you will certainly be taken one time.
| 145. You shall already now know that the successor to my person, will, as at 1953, be a young woman from the DAL universe, where you will certainly be taken someday.
| 145. Die Nachfolgende für meine Person, das sollst du jetzt schon wissen, wird ab 1953 eine junge Frau aus dem DAL-Universum sein, wohin du mit Sicherheit einmal mitgenommen wirst.  
| 146. The name of your contact person will be Asket.
| 146. The name of your contact person will be Asket.
| 146. Der Name deiner Begegnungsperson wird Asket sein.
| 147. She belongs to one of the branches of our peoples, from which others still occupy the Lyra and Vega systems, however shifted a split-second from this space-time plane just as is our space-time configuration in which our Plejaren systems exist.
| 147. She belongs to one of the branches of our peoples, others of which still reside in the Lyra and Vega systems, however, shifted a split-second from this space-time plane, just as is our space-time configuration in which our Plejaren systems exist.
| 147. Sie ist Angehörige eines unserer Verzweigungsvölker, von denen andere noch in den Lyra- und Wega systemen beheimatet sind, jedoch zu dieser Raum-Zeit-Ebene ebenso um einen Sekundenbruchteil verschoben wie auch unser Raum-Zeit-Gefüge, in dem unsere Plejarensysteme existieren.  
| 148. The meetings with Asket and you will last 11 years, just as they will between you and me.
| 148. The contact between Asket and you will last for 11 years, just as they will between you and me.
| 148. Die Begegnung mit Asket und dir wird ebenso 11 Jahre dauern, wie die zwischen dir und mir.  
| 149. Thereafter you will be left alone for 11 years and must learn very much through your own initiative, after which then in the year 1975 a meeting connection with you will again be taken up, and indeed by my granddaughter Semjase as well as by my son Ptaah.
| 149. Thereafter, you will be left alone for 11 years and must learn very much through your own initiative, after which then, in the year 1975, a contact connection with you will again be taken up, and indeed by my granddaughter, Semjase, as well as by my son, Ptaah.
| 149. Danach wirst du 11 Jahre auf dich allein gestellt sein und in eigener Initiative sehr viel lernen müssen, wonach dann im Jahre 1975 wieder eine begegnende Verbindung mit dir aufgenommen wird, und zwar von meiner Enkelin Semjase sowie von meinem Sohn Ptaah.
| 150. They both, in addition to others, will then continuously be your future meeting companions.
| 150. They both, in addition to others, will then continuously be your future contact companions.
| 150. Sie beide werden nebst anderen dann fortlaufend deine zukünftigen Begegnungsgefährten sein.  
| 151. Semjase is a prospective Ischrisch and Ptaah is an Ischwisch.
| 151. Semjase is a prospective Ischrisch and Ptaah an Ischwisch.
| 151. Semjase ist eine angehende Ischrisch und Ptaah ein Ischwisch.
| 152. Also a man and prospective Ischwisch with the name Quetzal will be of importance for you as will also many others.
| 152. Also a man and prospective Ischwisch with the name Quetzal will be of importance for you as will also many others.
| 152. Auch ein Mann und angehender Ischwisch mit Namen Quetzal wird für dich von Wichtigkeit sein, wie auch viele andere.
| 153. Their information regarding your person and the origin of your spirit form will, on the basis of their own learning needs, however, not be complete, subsequently, they must first arduously work out this information, whereby it cannot be ruled out that they will often make mistakes which they will have to make efforts to correct.
| 153. Their information regarding your person and the origin of your spiritform will, for reasons of their own learning needs, however, not be complete; consequently, they must first arduously work out this information, whereby it cannot to be ruled out that they will often make mistakes which they will have to make efforts to correct.
| 153. Ihre Informationen bezüglich deiner Person und Herkunft deiner Geistform werden aus Gründen ihrer eigenen Lern bedürftigkeit jedoch nicht vollständig sein, folglich sie sich diese Informationen erst mühsam erarbeiten müssen, wodurch nicht auszuschliessen ist, dass sie oft Fehler begehen werden, die zu beheben sie sich bemühen müssen.
| 154. And in this regard you will have to be the intervening and helpful power, in order to also teach them.
| 154. And, in this respect, you will have to be the intervening and helpful power, in order to also teach them.
| 154. Und in dieser Beziehung wirst du die eingreifende und hilfreiche Kraft sein müssen, um auch sie zu belehren.
| 155. This instruction will, however, still expand when, through it, the knowledge is first gained about what importance is attached to your person, and that this importance also leads back to all your earlier personalities of earlier lives.
| 155. This instruction will, however, still expand, once, through it, the knowledge has been gained about what importance is attached to your person, and that this importance also leads back to all your former personalities of former lives.
| 155. Diese Belehrung wird sich jedoch noch ausweiten, wenn durch sie erst die Kenntnis gewonnen wird, welche Wichtigkeit deiner Person anhaftet und dass diese Wichtigkeit auch in alle deine früheren Persönlichkeiten der früheren Leben zurückführt.
| 156. However, you are not permitted to speak about that and must keep your secret - which I will still explain to you at a later point in time - until the time has arrived that my successors have uncovered the secret.
| 156. However, you are not permitted to speak about that and must keep your secret - which I will still explain to you at a later point in time - until the time has come in which my successors have uncovered the secret.
| 156. Darüber jedoch darfst du so lange nicht sprechen und musst dein Geheimnis bewahren, das ich dir zu späterem Zeitpunkt noch erklären werde, bis die Zeit gekommen ist, da meine Nachfolgenden das Geheimnis gelüftet haben.
| 157. Also, in regard to the members of your group, you should always be silent about all things until the time is ripe to reveal new cognitions or secrets and, indeed, the need for silence is all the same no matter what it relates to.
| 157. Also, in regard to the members of your group, you shall always be silent about all things until the time is ripe to reveal new cognitions or secrets and, in fact, the need for silence is all the same no matter what it relates to.
| 157. Auch gegenüber deinen Gruppierungsmitgliedern sollst du mit allen Dingen immer so lange verschwiegen sein, bis die Zeit reif ist, neue Erkenntnisse oder Geheimnisse zu offenbaren, und zwar ganz gleich, auf welche Dinge sich alles immer bezieht.
| 158. In respect of your mission and the construction of the seat of the center - which will, without doubt, be behind Schmidrüti in Tösstal, (you well know that location as you have already been there with your father and mother) - as well as in regard to your group members and various other things, initially everything will unfortunately not go according to plan.
| 158. In relation to your mission and the construction of the centre headquarters, which will, without doubt, be in Hinterschmidrüti in Tösstal - you do know the place because you have already been there with your father and mother - as well as in relation to the group members and various other things, initially everything will unfortunately not go according to the determination.
| 158. In bezug auf deine Mission und den Aufbau des Center-Sitzes, der unzweifelhaft in der Hinteren Schmidrüti im Tösstal sein wird, den Ort kennst du ja, da du schon mit Vater und Mutter dort gewesen bist, sowie hinsichtlich der Gruppierungsmitglieder und verschiedener anderer Dinge wird erstlich leider nicht alles der Bestimmung nach verlaufen.
| 159. However, you may not reveal that to my successors, nor to your group members with whom you will establish a statutory community in the year 1978 after forming an initial group in the year 1975.
| 159. However, you may not reveal that to my successors, nor to your group members, with whom you will found a statutory association in the year 1978 after forming an initial group in the year 1975.
| 159. Das aber darfst du sowohl meinen Nachfolgenden nicht offenbaren, wie auch nicht deinen Gruppierungsmitgliedern, mit denen du nach einer ersten Gruppierungsbildung im Jahr 1975 dann im Jahr 1978 einen statuierten Verein gründen wirst.
| 160. I explain to you here and now that you will achieve the set goal and will fulfill your mission, and indeed with certainty.
| 160. I explain to you here and now that you will reach the set goal and fulfil your mission, and indeed with certainty.
| 160. Ich erkläre dir hier und jetzt, dass du das gesetzte Ziel erreichen und deine Mission erfüllen wirst, und zwar mit Bestimmtheit.
| 161. Much vexation and much effort, need and many setbacks will, however, arise as a result, which you should now already know.
| 161. Much vexation and much effort, adversity and many setbacks will, however, arise as a result, which you shall already know now.
| 161. Viel Ärger und viele Mühen, Not und Niederschläge werden dabei jedoch anfallen, was du jetzt schon wissen sollst.
| 162. But, as my look into the future has shown, you will put in place all your power and energy as well as your ability and knowledge, just as you will your love, peaceful nature and wisdom, and also all your experiences which you will have entirely collected, learned and built up within yourself in many countries up to that point in time.
| 162. But, as my look into the future has established, however, you will apply all your power and energy as well as your skill and knowledge, just as you will your love, peaceableness and wisdom, and also all your experiences which you will have altogether collected, learnt and built up within yourself in many countries up to that point in time.
| 162. Wie meine Zukunftsschau aber ergeben hat, wirst du all deine Kraft und Energie sowie dein Können und Wissen ebenso einsetzen wie auch deine Liebe, Friedfertigkeit und Weisheit, so aber auch all deine Erfahrungen, was du gesamthaft bis dahin in vielen Ländern gesammelt, gelernt und in dir aufgebaut hast.
| 163. Your silence is, however, required because - were the knowledge about all the effort, the need, the vexation, the setbacks and misunderstandings, as well as in regard to the betrayal in the ranks of your own group, known by my successors and your group members - then the result would be a decline in courage, whereby everything would be destroyed.
| 163. Your silence, however, is necessary, because, were the knowledge - about all the efforts, the adversity, the vexation, the setbacks and misunderstandings as well as concerning the betrayal in the ranks of your own group - known by my successors and your group members, then the result would be a decline in courage, whereby everything would be destroyed.
| 163. Dein Schweigen ist jedoch erforderlich, denn wäre das Wissen um all die Mühen, die Not, den Ärger, die Niederschläge und Missverständnisse sowie in bezug auf den Verrat in der eigenen Reihe deiner Gruppierung bei meinen Nachfolgenden und bei deinen Gruppierungsmitgliedern bekannt, dann wäre ein Sinkenlassen des Mutes die Folge, wodurch alles zerstört würde.
| 164. Also, the meetings between you and my successors would be endangered and would be broken off, and of that also the danger will already otherwise exist as a result of all the unpleasantness which will unavoidably come into being.
| 164. Also the meetings between you and my successors would be endangered and would be broken off, and of that, also the danger will already otherwise exist as a result of all the unpleasantness which will unavoidably come into being.
| 164. Auch die Begegnungen zwischen dir und meinen Nachfolgenden wären gefährdet und würden abgebrochen, wofür auch sonst schon die Gefahr bestehen wird infolge all der Unerfreulichkeiten, die unvermeidbar in Erscheinung treten werden.
| 165. It will, however, lie in your strength, love, energy and wisdom and cleverness, that you will handle everything in the correct measure and lead everything to its goal, whereby especially the teaching of the truth will help you immeasurably.
| 165. It will, however, lie in your power, love, energy and wisdom and cleverness, that you will handle everything in the correct measure and lead everything to its goal, whereby particularly the teaching of the truth will help you immeasurably.
| 165. Es wird jedoch in deiner Kraft, Liebe, Energie und Weisheit und Klugkeit liegen, dass du alles in richtigem Masse handhaben und alles zum Ziel führen wirst, wobei dir insbesondere die Lehre der Wahrheit unermesslich viel helfen wird.  
| 166. Just in this respect I must, however, make you attentive to the fact that you must clearly explain to your group members, as well as to all humans who make an effort for the teachings, that the teaching of the spirit is no teaching of salvation, and that you and we also represent no such thing, because every human creates his own salvation, and indeed through his thoughts and feelings, through his knowledge, through his attitude and his wisdom and love, as well as, however, also through his peace and freedom and his inner well-being.
| 166. Exactly in this respect I must, however, make you attentive to the fact that you must clearly explain to your group members, as well as to all human beings who make an effort for the teaching, that the teaching of the spirit is no teaching of salvation, and that you and we also represent no such thing, because every human being himself creates his own salvation, namely by means of his thoughts and feelings, through his knowledge, through his attitude and his wisdom and love, as well as, however, also through his peace and freedom and his inner well-being.
| 166. Gerade diesbezüglich muss ich dich aber darauf aufmerksam machen, dass du deinen Gruppierungsmitgliedern, wie auch allen Menschen, die sich für die Lehre bemühen, eindeutig zu erklären hast, dass die Lehre des Geistes keine Heilslehre ist und dass du und wir auch keine solche vertreten, denn sein Heil schafft sich jeder Mensch selbst, und zwar durch seine Gedanken und Gefühle, durch sein Wissen, durch seine Einstellung und seine Weisheit und Liebe, wie aber auch durch seinen Frieden und die Freiheit und das Wohlbefinden in sich.
| 167. To that end, his entire operation and all behavior also contribute, as also do manner and responsibility, how he confronts his obligations, and the fulfillment of obligations and how he lives.
| 167. To that end his entire work and all action also contribute, as also do manner and responsibility, how he confronts his obligations, and the fulfilment of obligations, and how he lives.
| 167. Dazu tragen auch sein ganzes Wirken und jedes Handeln bei wie auch die Art und Verantwortung, wie er sich zu seinen Pflichten und zur Pflichterfüllung stellt und wie er lebt.
| 168. You must build up great trust for all your future and for all the successes of your works, for your task, workings and mission, and always be aware that you will accomplish everything and never fail.
| 168. You must build up great confidence for all your future and for all the success of your works, your task, jobs and mission, and always know that you will accomplish everything and never fail.
| 168. Du musst für all deine Zukunft und für all das Gelingen deiner Werke, deiner Aufgabe, Arbeiten und Mission grosses Vertrauen aufbauen und immer wissend sein, dass du alles schaffen und niemals versagen wirst.
| 169. Your knowledge, your wisdom, your true love, your honesty, openness and peaceable nature, as well as your inner freedom and your powers of consciousness and your energies, must be so enormous that doubt never comes about in you that you could fail in something.
| 169. Your knowledge, your wisdom, your true love, your honesty, openness and peaceableness, as well as your inner freedom and your powers of consciousness and your energies, must become so mighty, that doubt never arises in you that you could fail in something.
| 169. Dein Wissen, deine Weisheit, deine wahre Liebe, deine Ehrlichkeit, Offenheit und Friedfertigkeit sowie deine innere Freiheit und deine Kräfte des Bewusstseins und deine Energien müssen derartig gewaltig werden, dass niemals Zweifel in dir entstehen, dass dir etwas misslingen könnte.
| 170. All these values, to which also the virtues and many other excellent qualities belong, must become so massive, mighty and powerful in you, that they surpass all the hostilities, and these alone will be thereby sent flying, in that you order them to flee, so they cannot gain a foothold in you.
| 170. All these values, to which also the virtues and many other excellent qualities belong, must become so massive, mighty and powerful in you, that they are superior to all the hostilities, and these alone will be thereby sent flying, in that you order them to flee, so they cannot take hold in you.
| 170. Alle diese Werte, zu denen auch die Tugenden und viele andere Vorzüglichkeiten gehören, müssen derart massiv, mächtig und kraftvoll in dir werden, dass sie allen Anfeindungen überlegen sind und diese allein dadurch in die Flucht geschlagen werden, indem du ihnen das Fliehen befiehlst, damit sie in dir nicht Grund fassen können.
| 171. Yet, thereby, to go around in healthy modesty and not let yourself be tempted, is one of the authoritative commandments which you must never break.
| 171. Yet, thereby, to go around in healthy modesty and not let yourself be tempted, is one of the authoritative recommendations which you must never break.
| 171. Doch dabei in gesunder Bescheidenheit einherzugehen und dich nicht verführen zu lassen, ist eines der massgebenden Gebote, das du niemals brechen darfst.
| 172. Therefore, to this end, never turn your powers and energies onto doing things that would not be right.
| 172. Therefore never expend your powers and energies doing things which would not be right.
| 172. Wende daher deine Kräfte und Energien niemals dazu auf, Dinge zu tun, die nicht des Rechtens wären.
| 173. Even if your life is often threatened, never turn all your high values against the body and life of your attackers, rather use them in every case always only for self defense.
| 173. Even if your life is often threatened, never apply all your high values against the body and life of your attackers, rather use them, in each case, always only for self defence.
| 173. Magst du oft auch deines Lebens bedroht sein, wende all deine hohen Werte niemals gegen Leib und Leben deiner Angreifer an, sondern nutze sie in jedem Fall immer nur zur Abwehr.
| 174. And only if you maintain the correctness of your thoughts and feelings, as well as your actions and activities in every respect and also use your great powers of consciousness in this form, will you be able to have true trust in yourself and not allow this to be shaken by anything.
| 174. And only if you maintain the correctness of your thoughts and feelings, as well as of your work and your actions, in every respect, and also use your great powers of consciousness in this form, will you be able to have true confidence in yourself and not allow this to be shaken by anything.
| 174. Und nur wenn du in jeder Beziehung des Rechtens deine Gedanken und Gefühle sowie dein Wirken und deine Handlungen pflegst und in dieser Form auch deine grossen Bewusstseinskräfte benutzt, wirst du wahres Vertrauen zu dir selbst haben können und dieses durch nichts erschüttern lassen.
| 175. You must be a true human and live for life, your mission and for your evolution, as well as also for your health and your welfare, for which reason you should be advised that you, in every respect, always exercise the necessary control over yourself.
| 175. You must be a true human being and live for life, your mission and for your evolution as well as for your health and your welfare, for which reason it shall be recommended to you that you, in every respect, always exercise the necessary control over yourself.
| 175. Du musst ein wahrer Mensch sein und für das Leben, deine Mission und für deine Evolution leben wie auch für deine Gesundheit und dein Wohlergehen, weshalb dir geboten sein soll, dass du in jeder Beziehung immer die notwendige Kontrolle über dich ausübst.
| 176. Never let yourself be enraged, yet scream and bellow if the situation demands it, yet thereby never lose control of yourself and do it in such a way that no negative feelings adversely affect you.
| 176. Never let yourself be infuriated, yet shout and roar if the situation demands it, yet thereby never lose your control over yourself and do it in such a way that no negative feelings adversely affect you.
| 176. Lass dich nie in Rage bringen, doch schreie und brülle, wenn es die Situation erfordert, doch verliere dabei niemals deine Kontrolle über dich und tue das in dieser Form so, dass keine negativen Gefühle dich beeinträchtigen.
| 177. To this end work out a trust and a certainty that you will always maintain control, whereby you should not, however, do anything other than that which corresponds to your nature, because the humans should see and recognize that you are a human as are they themselves.
| 177. Therefore, acquire confidence and the certainty that you will always maintain control, whereby you shall not, however, behave in a way which does not correspond to your nature, because the human beings shall see and recognise that you are a human being as are they themselves.
| 177. Erarbeite dir daher ein Vertrauen und die Gewissheit dessen, dass du immer die Kontrolle bewahren wirst, wobei du dich aber nicht anders geben sollst, als dies deinem Naturell entspricht, denn die Menschen sollen sehen und erkennen, dass du ein Mensch bist wie sie selbst.
| 178. That, however, means that you are also not without fault, and must learn in every respect.
| 178. That, however, means that you are also not without fault and must learn in every respect.
| 178. Das aber bedeutet, dass auch du nicht ohne Fehl bist und in jeder Beziehung lernen musst.
| 179. You are advised, in spite of that, to have trust in yourself, and indeed until your last breath.
| 179. In spite of that, it is recommended to you that you have trust in yourself, and indeed, until your last breath.
| 179. Trotzdem sei dir geboten, Vertrauen zu dir selbst zu haben, und zwar bis zum letzten Atemzug.
| 180. Never let yourself be influenced by false teachings, nor be deceived through swindles and through slight-of-hand and magic tricks, rather learn to recognize their falsenesses, to which end I will instruct you, so that you are also able to see through and recognize these kinds of deceptions.
| 180. Never let yourself be influenced by false teachings, nor be deceived by hocus-pocus and by conjurer’s tricks and magic tricks, rather learn to recognise their falsenesses, to which end I will instruct you, so that you are also able to see through and recognise these kinds of deceptions.
| 180. Lass dich niemals durch Irrlehren beeinflussen, nicht durch Gaukeleien und nicht durch Zaubertricks und Magietricks täuschen, sondern lerne deren Falschheiten zu erkennen, wozu ich dich unterrichten werde, damit du auch Betrügereien dieser Art zu durchschauen und zu erkennen vermagst.
| 181. Also fortune-telling, exorcism, clairvoyance and spiritual healing in a deceptive manner, in addition to many other similarly oriented things, will be brought to you, as well as automatic writing and alleged channalizing, which in the coming time will be called channeling.
| 181. Also fortune telling, exorcism, clairvoyance, and spiritual healing in a deceptive manner, together with many other similarly orientated things, will be brought to you, as well as automatic writing and alleged channelising, which will, in the time to come, be called channelling.
| 181. Auch Wahrsagerei, Exorzismus, Hellseherei, Geistheilung in betrügerischer Weise werden nebst vielen anderen gleichgerichteten Dingen an dich herangetragen werden wie auch automatisches Schreiben und angebliche Kanalisierung, die in kommender Zeit Channeling genannt wird.
| 182.Their rule is only lying and deceit, delusion, false teaching, sickness and profit-making, for which reason you should protect yourself from that; as also from the false teaching and machinations of the religions and the sects which have arisen from them and will further arise from them, which will be degenerating in such a way in the coming time that murder and mass-murder will result from them.
| 182. Their rule is only lying and deceit, delusion, false teaching, illness and profit-making, for which reason you shall also protect yourself from it; as well as from the false teachings and machinations of the religions and the sects which have arisen from them and continue to arise from them, which will be degenerating in such a way in the coming time that, from them, murder and mass-murder will result.
| 182. Deren Regel ist nur Lug und Betrug, Wahnglaube, Irrlehre, Krankheit und Profitmacherei, weshalb du dich auch davor schützen sollst; wie auch vor den Irrlehren und Machenschaften der Religionen und den aus ihnen hervorgegangenen und noch weiter hervorgehenden Sekten, die ausartend werden in der Weise in kommender Zeit, dass Morde und Massenmorde daraus hervorgehen.
| 183. Protect yourself from all these things every moment of your life, because lies, deceit, slander and untruth will be more rampant in the coming time than ever before.
| 183. Protect yourself from all these things every moment of your life, because lying, deception, slander and untruth will, in the coming time, be rife more than ever before.
| 183. Schütze dich vor all diesen Dingen jeden Augenblick deines Lebens, denn Lüge, Betrug, Verleumdung und Unwahrheit werden in kommender Zeit mehr grassieren denn je zuvor.
| 184. It will be especially so when the change of the millennium transfers the humans into excitement and confusion.
| 184. It will be especially so when the change of the millennium will send the human beings into excitement and confusion.
| 184. Insbesondere wird das so sein, wenn der Jahrtausendwechsel die Menschen in Aufregung und Verwirrung versetzt.
| 185. These, Eduard, are the words that I had to speak to you today and the explanations that I had to give to you.
| 185. These, Eduard, are the words that I had to speak to you today and the explanations that I had to give to you.
| 185. Das, Eduard, sind die Worte, die ich heute zu dir zu sprechen und die Erklärungen, die ich dir zu geben hatte.
| 186. Further explanations will follow at a later point in time.
| 186. Further explanations will follow at a later point in time.
| 186. Weitere Erklärungen werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt folgen.
| 187. Until then, however, learn industriously further, and always be cheerful.
| 187. Until then, however, keep learning diligently and always be cheerful.
| 187. Bis dahin lerne aber fleissig weiter und sei immer wohlgemut.
| 188. If you require my help in regard to learning, then call me, and I will stand by you with advice and instruction.
| 188. If you require my help in regard to learning, then call me, and I will stand by you with advice and instruction.
| 188. Bedarfst du meiner Hilfe hinsichtlich des Lernens, dann rufe mich, und ich werde dir mit Rat und Lehre beistehen.
| 189. Always think of all my words for as many years as you may live and hold yourself to my directions, and indeed also when I no longer am and you have grown in your years in everything and have become very knowing and wise, and have become, to the people, an announcer who, in regard to the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, respectively, the teaching of the creational laws, possesses more knowledge than any other human on your or my world.
| 189. Always think of all my words for as many years as you may live, and follow my instructions, namely also when I no longer am and when you have grown in your years in everything and have become very knowing and wise and have become the human being and proclaimer, who, concerning the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, that is to say, the teaching of the creational laws, possesses more knowledge than any other human being on your and my worlds.
| 189. Gedenke stets all meiner Worte, so viele Jahre du auch leben mögest, und halte dich an meine Weisungen, und zwar auch dann, wenn ich nicht mehr bin und du in deinen Jahren in allem gewachsen und sehr wissend und weise geworden und zu dem Menschen und Künder geworden bist, der hinsichtlich der Lehre der Wahrheit, der Lehre des Geistes resp. der Lehre der Schöpfungsgesetze mehr Wissen besitzt als jeder andere Mensch auf deiner und meiner Welt.
| 190. And this is a truth that causes me to appear, in relation to you, as your pupil, or would let it appear that way, if, in the coming time, I could still experience your knowledge and your wisdom.
| 190. And this is a truth that causes me to appear, in relation to you, as your pupil, or would let it appear that way, if I could still experience the coming time of your knowledge and your wisdom.
| 190. Und dies ist eine Wahrheit, die mich selbst gegenüber dir als dein Schüler erscheinen lässt oder erscheinen lassen würde, wenn ich die kommende Zeit deines Wissens und deiner Weisheit noch erleben könnte.
| 191. I will not, however, be granted that, nevertheless, however, great joy rules in me that I now am permitted to teach you before you become more knowing and more wise than I could ever be in my present life with my present personality.
| 191. That will not, however, be granted to me, nonetheless, however, great joy prevails in me about the fact that I may still teach you now, before you have become more knowing and more wise than I could ever become in my present life with my present personality.
| 191. Das wird mir jedoch nicht vergönnt sein, nichtsdestoweniger jedoch herrscht in mir grosse Freude darüber, dass ich dich jetzt noch belehren darf, ehe du wissender und weiser geworden bist, als ich dies in meinem diesmaligen Leben mit meiner gegenwärtigen Persönlichkeit noch werden könnte.
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* Verse 74 may seem to go very harshly and unfairly against the "conventional wisdom" that USAmerican forces were compelled to annihilate the Japanese industrial cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to prevent a far greater loss of innocent life as Japanese Imperial forces could sweep across the Pacific to eventually attack the West Coast of the USA. According to the Plejaren, this was not at all the case, but that the USA, in a cold-blooded "Five Year Plan" very deliberately provoked (and then did nothing to hinder) the terrible Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, thus providing a pretext for what was planned; namely the deliberate testing of the super-weapons, the atom bombs, on inhabited metropolitan targets. A smaller translation is below, being the pertinent 238th contact of May 18th, 1991, which provides the blood-curdling details of this unbelievable conspiracy, and goes some way to explain the Plejaren attitude towards the current military machinations of the USA.  
* Verse 74 may seem to go very harshly and unfairly against the "conventional wisdom" that USAmerican forces were compelled to annihilate the Japanese industrial cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to prevent a far greater loss of innocent life as Japanese Imperial forces could sweep across the Pacific to eventually attack the West Coast of the USA. According to the Plejaren, this was not at all the case, but that the USA, in a cold-blooded "Five Year Plan" very deliberately provoked (and then did nothing to hinder) the terrible Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, thus providing a pretext for what was planned; namely the deliberate testing of the super-weapons, the atom bombs, on inhabited metropolitan targets. A smaller translation is below, being the pertinent 238th contact of May 18th, 1991, which provides the blood-curdling details of this unbelievable conspiracy, and goes some way to explain the Plejaren attitude towards the current military machinations of the USA.  
== References and Further Reading ==
==Recommended Next==
* [[Asket's Acquaintanceship]]
==Further Reading==
* [[Sfath]]
* [[The Sfath Contact Reports]]
* The English and German are separated on this page for some historical reason, editors are welcome to investigate why and put them side by side in the standard way if they want.
* http://www.figu.org/ch/index/downloads/translations
* http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/gaiaguys/meier.v1p11-20.htm
[http://www.gaiaguys.net/meier.v1p11-20.htm gaiaguys.net]
<references />

Latest revision as of 15:46, 18 April 2019

This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.

Sfath, hand-drawn by Ptaah
Eduard, aged 8, 1945


  • Contact Report volume: 1
  • Pages: 11-20
  • Date of contact: Saturday, 3rd February, 1945, 12.10PM
  • Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
  • Date of original translation: Unknown
  • Revision by: Vibka Wallder with help from Adam Dei Rocini, Dyson Devine, Vivienne Legg in February 2011
  • Contact person: Sfath


Billy's first face-to-face contact with a Plejaren, Sfath who explains in considerable detail the difficult life for Billy that lies in his future and the challenges he will face. Also included is the plan to expose charlatans that claim contact with "Pleiadians" who, in actual fact, do not exist.

Sfath's Explanation Translation

N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
Before reading onward, please read this necessary prerequisite to understanding this document.

Click here for the German Version

1. Eduard, listen very closely to what I have to say to you.
2. It is not for no purpose, rather for certain reasons that the series of our meetings has come about.
3. The cause for the argumentation leads back to determinations which lie very far back in the past, and according to which, during the time of your present life, you are fitted into a certain task determined by yourself - as was the case repeatedly in your spiritual line of reincarnations in former lives and in other personalities and bodies - in order to fulfil the mission of a proclaimer and to bring, to the whole of humanity, peace, true love, freedom and unity as well as open, unencrypted knowledge of the spiritual matters and that which pertains to creational laws as well as wisdom.
4. Because of your self determination, which far precedes the present, you have entered life as a proclaimer of the truthful creational laws and recommendations and thus as prophet, whereby, however, you will only take up your actual mission and fulfil it when the time has become ripe for it, namely, with the date of the 28th of January, 1975.
5. Until then, you will be rigorously learning in many countries of this world, and with different teachers who are informed about your arrival and who have been in connection with me for some time, or will be in connection with me in the time to come.
6. As with all really great proclaimers and sages - who have taught here on the Earth since time immemorial, and have brought the entire humanity the teaching of the spirit, peace, love, knowledge, harmony and wisdom as well as real freedom - you have also been born an inconspicuous human being; and, as with all genuine proclaimers and sages, you will also first have to learn very much, before you will take on and fulfil your task at your predetermined time.
7. Thereby you must, however, consider that you will have to endure a quite adventurous and hard life, often full of privation, which, from the year 1965, will still increase in a form which will demand very many powers from you in every regard.
8. This will particularly lead back to your spouse, who you will meet and marry in the named year, which, however, is inevitable and will be very closely connected to your mission.
9. Hence, your marital step is therefore necessary, because your true powers, which you need from that time onward, will only be built up through this path which you must take.
10. Realise, nevertheless, that everything concerning this, which intrudes on you, will be merciless and absolutely inevitable, because only by you passing and also mastering this hard lesson, will you be able to fulfil your duty unswervingly and without fickleness as well as without doubt, absolutely honestly, modestly and in real love and joy for your task and for your fellow human beings.
11. Thereby, however, you will not be spared from grief - of which there will be very much - nor from libellous accusations and hate, which will often lead back to your spouse.
12. Yet you must powerfully and unwaveringly confront these attacks, which will also be underpinned by attempts against your life, because, only if you master everything, are you able to fulfil your mission.
13. However, you will not have to endure the worst machinations forever, because your spouse will maliciously turn away from you when she finally recognises that you follow your path unwaveringly and that you will fulfil your mission.
14. Unfortunately she will, however, be so blinded by hate that she will covertly spread further slander about you and will practice intrigues against you.
15. But you will not have to pit yourself against it, if you are studious, as I instruct you to be.
16. You are already now wise for your age in a way that old human beings feel drawn to you, enjoy conversation with you and are astonished over the knowledge that is now already yours, thus they also often ask you for advice.
17. Truthfully, your words contain a vibration which testifies to a great inner power and which helps human beings.
18. Thereby, you are able to eliminate non-virtues and bad things, as well as strife and ignorance.
19. Because of this inner power, which also expresses your modesty and your honesty as well as your love for human beings, a great trust is also placed in you, to which you have already done justice since our acquaintance, and you are constantly making an effort to never impair or misuse it.
20. The value of your words and your virtues lies in the inspirational form in which you impart everything.
21. When you speak with human beings, then your words contain such a modest and honest power that they do not simply fade away unheeded, rather they are contemplated and the actual truth is sought in their meaning.
22. This contemplation of your words occurs in a meditative form. Then action also results accordingly.
23. Your name is Eduard Albert Meier, and, as the value of your given name expresses, you are a “guardian of the treasure”, which, in this case, relates to the treasure of the spiritual teaching which you will learn in all things and teach the human beings.
24. However, you will not be called this name all your life, because, on a certain date, in Tehran, in Persia, you will receive the name Billy, with which you will become known worldwide.
25. The designation "BEAM" will be added, which results from the initial letters of all your names, thus from Billy Eduard Albert Meier.
26. But, nevertheless, you are only a simple human being and will also remain as such in honesty and modesty.
27. You will not make a fuss about your person, rather, at a given time, establish yourself in the background, so as not to be regarded as something special and so as not to let yourself be admired and worshipped.
28. And you will do very well at that, because the human beings of earth are too concerned about creating idols for themselves, to which they dependently and pathologically oblige themselves, and which they emulate, and, in regard to which, they deny their own individuality.
29. That is not permitted to be, and thus you will do well to go your way of modesty and honesty and being in the background, which is now also already your distinct manner.
30. Work in silence and do not go into the public too much.
31. Let others do this for you, because it will not happen to them that they will be courted and worshipped.
32. Perform your work and mission in written form and remain in the background if possible.
33. Only bring the spiritual teaching in direct verbal form to those human beings who will belong to a close group which will assemble around you.
34. Yet also, for them, be only like a mirror which they can look into, and can only see you, yourself, indeed just as you are and as you present yourself to them, so that they see that you are also only a human being, the same as them, and not a higher being placed above them who only looks down on them.
35. But, nevertheless, be like a fire, and do not stay too far from them with the warmth of your love, so that they can come to you at any time and feel your warmth, security and love, as well as your peace, your freedom, balance and harmony.
36. However, do not get too close to them with your knowledge and with your wisdom and with all your powers, so that they do not burn themselves.
37. Hence, also do not use your powers of consciousness for official demonstrations, rather make use of them in your group, which will be established in 1975, only to provide evidence that the powers of the consciousness and the spirit can be used, and can therefore also be developed.
38. Thus, learn the correct distance in relation to the human beings, so that you do not come too close to them, however, also do not stay too distant from them.
39. You have come into this world in order to give, not, however, to take.
40. Hence, always take only that which is rightly yours, which you can deem to be your own earnings or which has been given to you out of love, respect and connection in friendship.
41. Thus, never demand anything for yourself if you have not performed the corresponding work for it.
42. Every work is worth its wage, yet you should never demand more.
43. But you will not be able to disseminate your written works without payment, because that is impossible through the money-economy system of terrestrial humanity.
44. But you should not give attention to that, because the time and your traditional teaching of the spirit will bring with it, that, in the emerging group, the truth of the teaching will be recognised and, accordingly, also financial means will be made available with which your writings and books can be professionally prepared and disseminated at reasonable prices.
45. Every beginning will indeed lie with you, for which reason you should work and be frugal in order to be able to finance the start of your mission when the time has become ripe for it.
46. Yet, already at the beginning of your task, you will find modest help which will, however, quickly expand.
47. However, never demand, because you and your mission are not the same as the religions and the groups and circles, and so forth, which have sprung from them, as well as their leaders, preachers and head persons.
48. Always give everything which you are able to give, when the human beings are ready to receive.
49. However, never give more, with respect to the teaching, its knowledge and its wisdom, than the human beings are capable of understanding and coping with.
50. The rule proves that they always want to know more than their intellect can cope with, so, for that reason, be told that you should always teach and reveal only as much knowledge and wisdom as is demanded by the current state of the human beings' understanding.
51. Once the understanding and grasping of the actual truth increases in regard to the learning material, then the new understanding can be expanded in its value and its details in accord with the teaching.
52. However, as a rule, this first comes about at the point in time when a correspondingly precise question is brought forward.
53. Nevertheless, always be aware that it will only ever be a few who will really ask about the actual and essential in reference to the essence of everything spiritual and creational, and, for the sake of their learning, you will fulfil your mission in this life through your current personality.
54. You are in this life in order to teach the human beings the truth of all truth, so that the human beings will gain clarity and free themselves from the false teachings of the religions and their outgrowths.
55. Through the spiritual teaching, which you will teach and spread from 1975, the real truth and light shall come to the human beings, thereby fulfilling the Earth human beings’ deepest wishes for true love and freedom, for peace and harmony.
56. For the spiritual teaching, which has been the teaching of Nokodemion, Henok and all your former personalities since time immemorial, you should, as it was in all past times, only require as a reciprocal gift, a will to learn, love, peace, freedom, harmony, joy, diligence, equitableness and humaneness as well as the quality of being human, not, however, any material things through which you could achieve wealth, because if you want to acquire such, you should create this through the work of your hands, not, however, by growing rich through the teaching.
57. Without doubt it will be necessary that you can also finance your livelihood, for which reason you must take it upon yourself that you - through regulated provisions in respect of your work - achieve security, which, nevertheless, may never be based upon acquisition of personal wealth.
58. Your work will be hard, and you must work very much, and indeed in regard to the mission itself, as well as also for the sake of your livelihood prior to the mission.
59. Moreover, your work will not be easy and limited to one occupation, because, in order for you to master everything that you must master, you will learn and practice very many different occupations.
60. That which you learn will become especially important from the year 1977, when you will construct a site of learning, and, indeed, in close proximity to the birthplace of your mother.
61. You will therefore have, in your life, very much to do, and indeed unusually much, and also unusually much to learn and to experience.
62. Yet this is necessary, so you can fulfil your task.
63. But that does not raise you above other human beings, thus you are not their master concerning the spiritual teaching, just as nobody can be master over you.
64. You will certainly be a leader of a group from 1975, however, not in the form of a mighty figure, ruler or master, because only thereby can the human beings move freely and independently in their thoughts, feelings and emotions, as well as in their personal actions and behaviour.
65. You have come to teach unity and concord, however, not submissiveness, obsequiousness and servitude or dependence and fanaticism, nor disunity and dualism or trinity, as it is with certain religions.
66. Unity and concord, connected with true love as well as with peace, genuine freedom and harmony, are not of a political nature, rather they are values which are only to be won through insight and through the recognition of the actual truth, and namely without money and other wealth, without war, discord, hatred, gewalt2, bombs and weapons.[1]
67. You will create an inexhaustible wellspring of knowledge, wisdom, love, freedom and peace as well as harmony.
68. A wellspring at which all human beings of all races and every faith, of every skin colour and every rank, can refresh themselves.
69. And what your desire is - what you want to bring the human beings - is unity, peace, concord, knowledge, wisdom, love, freedom, and harmony in more profound truth, and cognisant that, in the entire creational realm, in the entire universe, everything is one and bound together.
70. However, this oneness and connectedness with all and everything, is the result of the might and the immeasurable love of Creation, which gives everything selflessly and demands no payment for it.
71. The biggest problem of the human being is his ignorance concerning Creation and its laws and recommendations.
72. This problem is not merely that of one single social class or one single religious orientation, but it is a problem of every single human being, a problem of the entire humanity.
73. In this ignorance, the human beings are dependent on their illusions, wishes and desires, on their addictions, vices and on all the pleasures and material trumpery; from all of which neither the individual human being is able to liberate himself nor the entire humanity is able to liberate itself.
74. And through this unknowledge, an uncertainty for life spreads out, whereby hate, wars, murder, avarice, jealousy and the urge for revenge as well as all kinds of criminality arise, such as even monstrous, destructive and annihilating weapons, such as the atom bombs, which, already in a short time, will be abused by the Americans for a deadly and annihilating function, when they destroy the Japanese city of Hiroshima in this year on the 6th of August, by means of a nuclear weapon operation, and claim hundreds of thousands of dead, then to repeat the same crime on the 9th of August with the likewise Japanese city of Nagasaki, which, once again, will cost the lives of around 100,000 human beings.
75. The teaching that you will bring, the spiritual teaching, is, to that end, intended to lead the human beings on the path of truth, love, peace, freedom and harmony.
76. It is intended to transform the human beings and the world.
77. And in order to bring this teaching, you have obliged yourself in regard to yourself, and life, as well as in regard to Creation and the human beings.
78. You will work hard and incessantly for that, in observation of your entire responsibility.
79. Through your knowledge and your wisdom as well as through the power of your consciousness, your body and through your manual work, you will point to an old new direction in love, peace, freedom, balance, joy and harmony, which can point to progress in the entire thinking as well as in the feelings and functions and actions of the human beings.
80. It will be your true love, with all your knowledgeable and wise values, which will help the human beings who need your help and who will accept your help.
81. Therefore, always be openly attentive to them when they open up to you and the spiritual teaching, because your aim must always be to teach and to help.
82. Eduard, it will be your task to awaken the human beings of Earth out of their sleep of untruth and unknowledge.
83. You must instruct the human beings further that they must hold themselves ready for the revolution of truth as well as for the fact of their duty which they have to fulfil in regard to Creation and its laws and recommendations.
84. Also, adhering to this fulfilment of duty amounts to a revolution, because only a few will take it upon themselves to consciously fulfil this obligation.
85. Nevertheless, this comprehensive revolution is not built upon politics and also knows no parties at all, because, in its essence, it is aligned with real freedom. Accordingly, every single human being has the free choice of his thoughts and feelings as well as his actions and dealings, thus, every individual can therefore freely decide whether he wants to further turn to untruth and unknowledge or to knowledge, wisdom and true love, peace, wellbeing, and balance and harmony.
86. The teaching of the truth, or, the spiritual teaching, the teaching of the creational truth, shall, however, be the signpost for every human being, so that everybody can follow it according to his own will, if he is willing.
87. The teaching shall become a movement, which shall spread worldwide and bring peace, love and freedom, as well as all other high values, to the human beings of this world.
88. However, you must always be aware that evil mighty-ones, the envious, slanderers, deceivers, liars, thieves and all kinds of other negative powers, who will also undertake murderous attacks on you, will try to impair and destroy your entire work and energy, whereby also a stop will not be made to accusing you of malicious things in court in order to destroy your mission.
89. But always be confident, because, if you unswervingly and consciously do your duty to your mission, live virtuously, preserve your modesty and honesty and true love’s place within you, then, ultimately, all attacks of every kind will turn out to benefit you and bring you success.
90. Thus it will happen that everything which is negatively, fraudulently, murderously, slanderously, mendaciously, thievishly and enviously concocted against you steadily changes itself to progress and success for you and your mission.
91. Thereby your group, which is to be built up by you, will grow as a nucleus just as much as the external group, which will assume worldwide forms.
92. Concerning this, also electronic and other technology will be helpful to you, because, in the time to come, everything in this regard will develop so rapidly that each new thing will already become obsolete again within a few days.
93. Thereby you will be able to spread the teaching of the truth throughout the entire world, because the information will reach its destination within seconds.
94. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to defend yourself against the attacking behaviour directed at you, because all who take action against you in any kind of negative form will only harm themselves.
95. Therefore, always react neutrally in regard to all attacks against your person or against your mission.
96. Learn to control yourself in these things and to always remain calm, because that is the best weapon and the best defence against any attack.
97. You will have to learn that already now, at your young age, which is why events, situations and things will come to you that you must learn to overcome.
98. You will have to endure much pain as a result of your thoughts and feelings as well as through your emotions which you must bring under control.
99. Also, you will not remain spared from physical pain, because, in 1964, you will meet a fate in which you will lose your left arm.
100. That will, however, be an incentive for you for further hard lessons which you will have to get through and with which you will have to cope, through which you will, however, enable yourself, together with the loyal who gather around you, to build up the headquarters, which you will name Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, and from where you, with the help of those who will stand by you, will begin, and spread, your mission worldwide.
101. Aside from that, it is my request that you build up your powers and always apply and control your energies in good measure, because they will also be of just as enormous significance - so that you may do your work - as will your true love, your wisdom and your high and far-reaching knowledge of the spiritual and creational matters, whereby I must confess that, in this regard, you will even be head and shoulders above me and all those who come after me and maintain the meetings with you.
102. But, for particular reasons, they will be more ignorant than me regarding this, because they also still have very much to learn, which is why you will also be a teacher to them, which, however, is something that they will first have to recognise and understand.
103. But that will take a long time, however, then they will recognise who you really are, which abilities and which knowledge you possess and which former personalities belonged to your spirit form.
104. However, it is not up to me to reveal this knowledge now, because this duty is assigned to a higher form than me, namely, the Arahat Athersata level, which will teach you through spiritual telepathy, while I can only pass on my knowledge to you linguistically and through my pieces of equipment.
105. Therefore also practice spiritual-telepathy, in which, along with many other things, I will also instruct you, because the level Arahat Athersata can only connect with you in this manner, whereby, however, this will only be one-sided, thus you will receive only that which is instructive.
106. In doing it together with me, you will, however, learn to communicate spirit-telepathically, because I have mastered this form just as much as any of my people who will get into contact with you after me.
107. This is also the form of telepathy that is able to bridge the endless distances of the universe, indeed without loss of time, while the simple form of telepathy only reaches as far as three light seconds, which corresponds to about 1,000,000 kilometres.
108. I would like to advise you to always be brave and courageous, because only thereby will it be possible that, at a given time, also the members of your group will support you bravely and courageously, because your courage and your bravery will equally be transferred onto them just as will also many of your other values.
109. As my investigations have revealed, it will unfortunately be unavoidable, that various betrayers will enter your group, who - while they are present and also after their departure - will want to maliciously and vengefully inflict damage on you in order to destroy you as well as your mission.
110. Unfortunately, apart from some exceptions, these will be members who will join the group due to former determinations.
111. I will tell you the names of all these and all other group members at a later date.
112. Yet always be aware that, if you are fully determined, courageous and brave, honest, modest, virtuous, knowing, wisely egalitarian as well as full of power and energy, unswervingly going your way and allowing your true love to prevail, are persevering, observing your responsibility towards yourself, life and the human beings as well as the entire nature and its life forms, then no kinds of attacks by the human beings can harm you, regardless of whichever kind these may be.
113. You will defy fire, water and storm and thereby visibly verify the teaching of the truth for the fellow human beings.
114. But never use your powers of consciousness and of the spirit in order to gain profit or in order to put yourself on show.
115. Because, if you do apply these powers - be told this another time - then they shall be, and are only permitted to be, used for the purposes of instruction or to helpfully stand by the human beings.
116. And if you should be asked to do such, then do not do it, because, otherwise, you would thereby evoke dangers through which your work and mission would be endangered.
117. Bear in mind, that, concerning this, you are now already able to generate great power through your consciousness and do things which are impossible for other human beings, however, even if you can do them, do not put them on show, except if you are thereby able to give a lesson or you use them for your own enjoyment or relief.
118. More than ever, the coming time is developing into an epoch of great destruction and annihilation.
119. It will begin with the criminal conduct of the Americans, when, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they bring total annihilation and destruction as well as hundreds of thousands of deaths through the dropping of atom bombs, which will already happen in a short while, as I already explained to you.
120. In the coming time, the human being of Earth will degrade himself much more yet, as he has done bellicosely since time immemorial, and through the murderous religions and their sects, whereby he enslaved himself, in particular through the religions, upon which he has become fanatically dependent and for which no human life is too valuable to him that he would not murder and exploit it, as is also the case with the rulers who know no kind of scruple.
121. However, you have come to clarify for all human beings, the hard truth, with hard, open, undiplomatic, honest words, free of empty phrases, and to teach them so that they can find the right path to a higher level.
122. But for that it is necessary that you also occupy yourself with religions and sects, and learn what they are in their actual negative sense and wrong value.
123. Thus it will be, that you enter them and that you learn, however, in your knowledge as well as in your thoughts and feelings, that you belong to no religion and no sect, rather you align yourself solely with the teaching of the truth.
124. In the distant future, the teaching of the truth shall lead to the raising of the entire terrestrial humanity, namely, by the fact that every single human being, in himself, consciously recognises his higher self, his creational spirit and its characteristics, and also brings the spiritual values into effect in his outer being, in his personality.
125. Be told, however, that you must learn and practice tolerance so as not to be biased or unfair concerning the religious faith of the human being.
126. Only this enables you to teach the human beings in truthfulness, so that, gradually, they are able to escape from their dependency on lower powers.
127. You must understand that.
128. And when you understand that, then you will also live in simplicity, modesty, honesty and love.
129. That qualifies you to carry the message of your mission - and thereby the teaching of the truth - out into the world.
130. And that shall take effect one day in the distant future, in that anxiety is eradicated from the world and all human beings will be without anxiety and fear, and indeed also in association with this; that one day the use of the weapons for bellicose and murderous purposes, and so forth, will cease, and they will only be used for work and self-defence purposes.
131. You must fulfil your task, and for that it is also necessary that you learn, in word and script, the language with which you will spread the teaching of the truth.
132. It is the language which you learn at school and of which you already have a good command - the German language.
133. This is namely the one, which is the most valuable on Earth and offers the finest possibilities for bringing the teaching of the truth finely nuanced.
134. Therefore, I myself will also instruct you in this language, so that you make it your own in an unusually large number of values and learn to master it to the greatest extent possible.
135. As well as myself, also helpful to you will be our linguists who know and command the German language incomparably better, in all its details, than is the case with all terrestrial linguists.
136. Thus you will learn a good and fluent, expressive and very extensive language, for which many will envy you.
137. You will also develop your own unmistakable and clear writing style, with which you will construct all your writings and books, to the same degree as you will with telepathic and technologically-telepathic and spiritual-telepathic transmissions.
138. You will reproduce your records, which relate to this, faithfully and without any falsifications and without your own additions, however, aligned according to your style of words and writing, so that it becomes unmistakable that it will only be you to whom the messages, pieces of instruction, and the face-to-face talks - which will follow in later times - are transmitted.
139. That will therefore be a necessity, because many cheats, thieves, charlatans, victims of delusion, insane and profit-greedy persons will steal your material, falsify it and thereby make a profit.
140. Also it will unfortunately be that many will shamefully abuse the names of your contact people of extraterrestrial origin, as well as the designations of the pure-spirit levels, and they will claim that you do not have the meetings with us, from the Plejaren systems, rather they do, or that they had these meetings - which you and my successors will later name contacts and contact conversations - at the same time as you did.
141. Once the point in time comes when these lying and slanderous events occur, when your material is thus stolen and many swindlers report worldwide concerning supposed meetings with me and my successors, and they appear with wrong and deceitful messages and even claim the impossibility that they are in telepathic connection with me or my successors, then these false contact persons, as you will then call them, will already thereby be recognisable as they assert that their physical or telepathic meetings and connections exist with beings from the Pleiades system of this space-time configuration, whereby, indeed, these are supposed to be my successors and I.
142. But we do not belong to this space-time configuration, nor, therefore, to this Pleiades system, which is still very young in its existence and is little more than 60,000,000 years old, and is absolutely uninhabited and uninhabitable in every respect, when one disregards thermo-bacterial life, which will disappear again in some tens of millions of years without higher life of some kind ever being able to exist there. Consequently, spiritual beings will also never exist on these Pleiades stars.
143. And in order to expose the future swindlers, my successors and you will not name our origins according to our own linguistic term, “Plejaren”, rather by the terrestrial human being term, “Pleiades”; accordingly, the swindlers will use this name, whereby they will expose their own fraud and lies as well as slander.
144. When this happens in greater measure, then you, just as much as my successors, will reveal the truth and rectify everything.
145. You shall already now know that the successor to my person, will, as at 1953, be a young woman from the DAL universe, where you will certainly be taken someday.
146. The name of your contact person will be Asket.
147. She belongs to one of the branches of our peoples, others of which still reside in the Lyra and Vega systems, however, shifted a split-second from this space-time plane, just as is our space-time configuration in which our Plejaren systems exist.
148. The contact between Asket and you will last for 11 years, just as they will between you and me.
149. Thereafter, you will be left alone for 11 years and must learn very much through your own initiative, after which then, in the year 1975, a contact connection with you will again be taken up, and indeed by my granddaughter, Semjase, as well as by my son, Ptaah.
150. They both, in addition to others, will then continuously be your future contact companions.
151. Semjase is a prospective Ischrisch and Ptaah an Ischwisch.
152. Also a man and prospective Ischwisch with the name Quetzal will be of importance for you as will also many others.
153. Their information regarding your person and the origin of your spiritform will, for reasons of their own learning needs, however, not be complete; consequently, they must first arduously work out this information, whereby it cannot to be ruled out that they will often make mistakes which they will have to make efforts to correct.
154. And, in this respect, you will have to be the intervening and helpful power, in order to also teach them.
155. This instruction will, however, still expand, once, through it, the knowledge has been gained about what importance is attached to your person, and that this importance also leads back to all your former personalities of former lives.
156. However, you are not permitted to speak about that and must keep your secret - which I will still explain to you at a later point in time - until the time has come in which my successors have uncovered the secret.
157. Also, in regard to the members of your group, you shall always be silent about all things until the time is ripe to reveal new cognitions or secrets and, in fact, the need for silence is all the same no matter what it relates to.
158. In relation to your mission and the construction of the centre headquarters, which will, without doubt, be in Hinterschmidrüti in Tösstal - you do know the place because you have already been there with your father and mother - as well as in relation to the group members and various other things, initially everything will unfortunately not go according to the determination.
159. However, you may not reveal that to my successors, nor to your group members, with whom you will found a statutory association in the year 1978 after forming an initial group in the year 1975.
160. I explain to you here and now that you will reach the set goal and fulfil your mission, and indeed with certainty.
161. Much vexation and much effort, adversity and many setbacks will, however, arise as a result, which you shall already know now.
162. But, as my look into the future has established, however, you will apply all your power and energy as well as your skill and knowledge, just as you will your love, peaceableness and wisdom, and also all your experiences which you will have altogether collected, learnt and built up within yourself in many countries up to that point in time.
163. Your silence, however, is necessary, because, were the knowledge - about all the efforts, the adversity, the vexation, the setbacks and misunderstandings as well as concerning the betrayal in the ranks of your own group - known by my successors and your group members, then the result would be a decline in courage, whereby everything would be destroyed.
164. Also the meetings between you and my successors would be endangered and would be broken off, and of that, also the danger will already otherwise exist as a result of all the unpleasantness which will unavoidably come into being.
165. It will, however, lie in your power, love, energy and wisdom and cleverness, that you will handle everything in the correct measure and lead everything to its goal, whereby particularly the teaching of the truth will help you immeasurably.
166. Exactly in this respect I must, however, make you attentive to the fact that you must clearly explain to your group members, as well as to all human beings who make an effort for the teaching, that the teaching of the spirit is no teaching of salvation, and that you and we also represent no such thing, because every human being himself creates his own salvation, namely by means of his thoughts and feelings, through his knowledge, through his attitude and his wisdom and love, as well as, however, also through his peace and freedom and his inner well-being.
167. To that end his entire work and all action also contribute, as also do manner and responsibility, how he confronts his obligations, and the fulfilment of obligations, and how he lives.
168. You must build up great confidence for all your future and for all the success of your works, your task, jobs and mission, and always know that you will accomplish everything and never fail.
169. Your knowledge, your wisdom, your true love, your honesty, openness and peaceableness, as well as your inner freedom and your powers of consciousness and your energies, must become so mighty, that doubt never arises in you that you could fail in something.
170. All these values, to which also the virtues and many other excellent qualities belong, must become so massive, mighty and powerful in you, that they are superior to all the hostilities, and these alone will be thereby sent flying, in that you order them to flee, so they cannot take hold in you.
171. Yet, thereby, to go around in healthy modesty and not let yourself be tempted, is one of the authoritative recommendations which you must never break.
172. Therefore never expend your powers and energies doing things which would not be right.
173. Even if your life is often threatened, never apply all your high values against the body and life of your attackers, rather use them, in each case, always only for self defence.
174. And only if you maintain the correctness of your thoughts and feelings, as well as of your work and your actions, in every respect, and also use your great powers of consciousness in this form, will you be able to have true confidence in yourself and not allow this to be shaken by anything.
175. You must be a true human being and live for life, your mission and for your evolution as well as for your health and your welfare, for which reason it shall be recommended to you that you, in every respect, always exercise the necessary control over yourself.
176. Never let yourself be infuriated, yet shout and roar if the situation demands it, yet thereby never lose your control over yourself and do it in such a way that no negative feelings adversely affect you.
177. Therefore, acquire confidence and the certainty that you will always maintain control, whereby you shall not, however, behave in a way which does not correspond to your nature, because the human beings shall see and recognise that you are a human being as are they themselves.
178. That, however, means that you are also not without fault and must learn in every respect.
179. In spite of that, it is recommended to you that you have trust in yourself, and indeed, until your last breath.
180. Never let yourself be influenced by false teachings, nor be deceived by hocus-pocus and by conjurer’s tricks and magic tricks, rather learn to recognise their falsenesses, to which end I will instruct you, so that you are also able to see through and recognise these kinds of deceptions.
181. Also fortune telling, exorcism, clairvoyance, and spiritual healing in a deceptive manner, together with many other similarly orientated things, will be brought to you, as well as automatic writing and alleged channelising, which will, in the time to come, be called channelling.
182. Their rule is only lying and deceit, delusion, false teaching, illness and profit-making, for which reason you shall also protect yourself from it; as well as from the false teachings and machinations of the religions and the sects which have arisen from them and continue to arise from them, which will be degenerating in such a way in the coming time that, from them, murder and mass-murder will result.
183. Protect yourself from all these things every moment of your life, because lying, deception, slander and untruth will, in the coming time, be rife more than ever before.
184. It will be especially so when the change of the millennium will send the human beings into excitement and confusion.
185. These, Eduard, are the words that I had to speak to you today and the explanations that I had to give to you.
186. Further explanations will follow at a later point in time.
187. Until then, however, keep learning diligently and always be cheerful.
188. If you require my help in regard to learning, then call me, and I will stand by you with advice and instruction.
189. Always think of all my words for as many years as you may live, and follow my instructions, namely also when I no longer am and when you have grown in your years in everything and have become very knowing and wise and have become the human being and proclaimer, who, concerning the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, that is to say, the teaching of the creational laws, possesses more knowledge than any other human being on your and my worlds.
190. And this is a truth that causes me to appear, in relation to you, as your pupil, or would let it appear that way, if I could still experience the coming time of your knowledge and your wisdom.
191. That will not, however, be granted to me, nonetheless, however, great joy prevails in me about the fact that I may still teach you now, before you have become more knowing and more wise than I could ever become in my present life with my present personality.

Translator's Notes

  • "Billy", then Eduard, was eight years old at the time of this 1945 contact, as pictured above.
  • At Billy's request, the pencil sketch of Sfath was drawn, on May 15th, 2000, by his son, Ptaah.
  • Verse 12 refers in part to a serious physical attack by Billy's ex-wife. She threw a heavy kitchen utensil at him and hit him on the head. He was immediately rescued, taken aloft and healed by the Plejaren.
  • Verse 18 Our awkward expression "... work (being a verb) ... out of this world" is a deliberate attempt to give some needed weight to the word schaffen, which implies effort.
  • Verse 74 may seem to go very harshly and unfairly against the "conventional wisdom" that USAmerican forces were compelled to annihilate the Japanese industrial cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to prevent a far greater loss of innocent life as Japanese Imperial forces could sweep across the Pacific to eventually attack the West Coast of the USA. According to the Plejaren, this was not at all the case, but that the USA, in a cold-blooded "Five Year Plan" very deliberately provoked (and then did nothing to hinder) the terrible Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, thus providing a pretext for what was planned; namely the deliberate testing of the super-weapons, the atom bombs, on inhabited metropolitan targets. A smaller translation is below, being the pertinent 238th contact of May 18th, 1991, which provides the blood-curdling details of this unbelievable conspiracy, and goes some way to explain the Plejaren attitude towards the current military machinations of the USA.

Recommended Next

Further Reading

  • Sfath
  • The Sfath Contact Reports
  • The English and German are separated on this page for some historical reason, editors are welcome to investigate why and put them side by side in the standard way if they want.

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  1. Gewalt: to use physical, psychic, mental and consciousness powers, capabilities and skills, with all available means of force, in order to carry out monstrous deeds and actions.