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From Billy Meier
  • ...rces and the Iraqi military will finally surround the area around the Imam Ali Mosque in the holy pilgrimage city of Najaf and cause great material damage ...schen Besatzer und durch das irakische Militär das Gebiet rund um die Imam-Ali- Moschee in der heiligen Pilgerstadt Najaf endgültig eingekesselt und gros
    49 KB (8,030 words) - 10:50, 22 September 2021
  • ...uity and will eradicate tyranny and oppression.»<br><br>(Tirmidhi) Hadhrat Ali is quoted as saying:<br>The Prophet Mohammed said «Even if only a day rema ...Tyrannei und Unterdrückung ausrotten.»<br><br>Zitat von (Tirmidhi) Hadhrat Ali:<br>Der Prophet Mohammed sagte: «Selbst wenn nur ein Tag für die Qiyamah
    54 KB (8,807 words) - 09:54, 29 December 2021
  • | This article here. It's about the assassination of Pope John Paul II by Ali Agca. | Dieser Artikel hier. Es handelt sich um das Attentat des Ali Agca auf Papst Johannes Paul II.
    34 KB (5,537 words) - 12:04, 22 September 2021
  • '''''ali as different, other; also called ..., actually'''''
    32 KB (5,245 words) - 14:52, 24 July 2018
  • ...such as Moamar al Gaddafi in Libya, Saleh in Yemen, whose correct name is Ali Abdullah Salih, and Bashar al Assad in Syria. I remember his father Hafis a ...e z.B. in Libyen Moamar al Gaddafi, im Jemen Saleh, der richtig eigentlich Ali Abdullah Salih heisst, und in Syrien Baschar al Assad. Bei diesem erinnere
    53 KB (8,495 words) - 12:11, 22 September 2021
  • ...rdian Council, as well as the authoritative religious dignitary, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei certainly are not involved. ...annte Wächterrat wie auch der massgebende religiöse Würdenträger Ajatollah Ali Chamenei allerdings nicht verwickelt sind.
    63 KB (10,051 words) - 10:04, 27 August 2018
  • of Guardians as well as the authoritative religious dignitary Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are not involved. ...annte Wächterrat wie auch der massgebende religiöse Würdenträger Ajatollah Ali Chamenei allerdings nicht verwickelt sind.
    81 KB (12,899 words) - 12:08, 22 September 2021
  • this person was Mohammed Al-Mahdi (also known as Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Ali) born in 868, and was the twelfth Imam. But the focus of this article will ...and equity and will eradicate tyranny and oppression.» (Tirmidhi) Hadhrat Ali is quoted as saying: The Prophet Mohammed said «Even if only a day remains
    104 KB (16,631 words) - 22:28, 2 February 2020
  • (Tirmidhi) Hadhrat Ali is quoted as saying: The Prophet Mohammed said "Even if only a day remains
    54 KB (8,514 words) - 19:18, 17 September 2018
  • | 113. This is a mosque in which two deceased imams lie, Ali al-Hadi and Hassan al-Askari, although the Askari shrine in particular is c ...sich dabei um eine Moschee, in der zwei verstorbene Imame liegen, und zwar Ali al-Hadi und Hassan al-Askari, wobei aber besonders der Askari-Schrein als s
    91 KB (14,632 words) - 12:52, 2 November 2021
  • | 51. But now to Ali Adnan Ertekin Menderes, who studied law in Ankara and graduated from Robert | 51. Doch nun zu Ali Adnan Ertekin Menderes, der in Ankara Rechtswissenschaften studierte und 19
    138 KB (22,107 words) - 12:35, 1 June 2021
  • | <div style="margin-left:2em; margin-right:2em">– Tariq Ali and with a text by Christopher Hitchens, documentary 1994 'Hell's Angel'.</ | <div style="margin-left:2em; margin-right:2em">– Tariq Ali und mit einem Text von Christopher Hitchens, Dokumentarfilm 1994 ‹Hell's
    159 KB (25,321 words) - 12:07, 22 September 2021
  • | 373. A repeated murderer of Turkish nationality, by the name of Ahmed Ali Agca, will have to bear the responsibility for the assassination attempt on ...den Papst wird ein mehrfacher Mörder türkischer Nationalität namens Ahmed Ali Akca die Verantwortung tragen müssen, der mehrere Schüsse auf den Papst a
    208 KB (34,024 words) - 13:08, 20 November 2021
  • ::::::Ali Agca
    263 KB (29,314 words) - 20:48, 20 December 2021
  • ...overnment will be forced by extortion to release the murderer and assassin Ali Agca. ...he Staat durch Erpressung gezwungen werden soll, den Mörder und Attentäter Ali Agca freizulassen.
    315 KB (51,966 words) - 23:58, 23 September 2021
  • of the Pope, a multiple murderer of Turkish nationality named, Ahmed Ali Akca, will have to shoulder the responsibility, who will fire several shots
    437 KB (70,507 words) - 20:12, 25 November 2019