Plejaren Federation

From Billy Meier

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Similar page Plejaren.

Introduction and Overview

The Plejaren Federation is an organised arrangement of civilisations from star systems located mostly within the Milky Way galaxy with a minority being extra-galactic members.[1] The dimension or space-time configuration of member star systems also varies.

All sentient races throughout the universe are referred to as human beings even though some would be considered inhuman[2] and perhaps even horrifying in appearance by typically primitive or misguided Earthlings.

Billy Meier is the last surviving Earthling who has had contact with members of this Federation of civilizations. He will continue to sustain the communication in interpersonal form until his death. There were four others who also had contacts with the Federation, all of whom are now dead. The dutiful task of the Federation is to preserve the evolving and already existing human life in the cosmos. Some of their ancestors were our ancestors who lived upon the Earth until 2000 years ago when many migrated back to the Tayget/Plejares/Plejara system.


These names have been derived from the planetary names in the Contact Statistics article and are likely to be incorrect.


  • 127,000,000,000 humans[5]

Highest Council


  • Primary language: Kosan
  • Number of languages: ~127,000

See Plejaren page.

Known Member Star Systems

  • Akon of the DAL Universe
  • Bardan of the Coma Galaxy in the DERN Universe
  • Cygnus of the DERN Universe
  • Lyra of the DERN Universe
  • Nol of the DERN Universe
  • Plejares / Tayget of the DERN Universe
  • Timar of the DAL Universe
  • Wega of the DERN Universe


  • Diameter: 7,000,000,000,000 light-years.[context and citation needed]


Plejaren Federation in the Contact Reports

Contact Report 003

By Semjase of Erra

13. We are not the so-called superhumans or super-beings that people on Earth like to label us from their own lack of knowledge and within their own imagination.

14. We are also not teachers, missionaries or trailblazers.

15. We only have the dutiful task to preserve the evolving and already existing human life in the cosmos.

16. This means that we endeavour to keep order and monitor certain life.

17. We generate contacts here and there with inhabitants of different worlds if our directives allow us, single out some of them, and provide them with explanations, but only if a race is developing towards a higher level and slowly starts thinking.

18. Then we slowly familiarize them with the thought that they are not the only thinking beings in the universe.

19. Now and then we also assist telepathically to instil certain cognitions toward the discovery of technical inventions that are needed at the present time.

30. We are neither guardians nor overseers of terrestrial humankind; we feel obligated to them only because our ancient forefathers were their forefathers prior to their escape from Earth due to self-induced catastrophes by a few power-hungry people, before escaping to the Pleiades—exactly as you have deduced and calculated in the last few decades according to your knowledge.

Diet and nutrition

The vast majority of them over most of the worlds in the Federation are human beings as we would know them.

They feed on similar things as we do, on mineral, vegetable as well as on animal products and in balanced measure, in moderation, as we do. Their main foods are fruits and vegetables and because they're omnivores like we are they reject purely vegetarian diets, because such a form of nutritional arrangement, so they have fathomed, can have negative effects e.g. in the activity of thoughts and in an individuals abilities to react consciously in the normal way, and the vegan diet, so they have fathomed, leads interestingly to a hyperactivity positive-degeneration. The consequence of which is apparently the loss of an individuals healthy critical-analysis abilities, whereby a person eventually is no longer able to distinguish the real from the unreal. This situation apparently happened in ancient times e.g. with the Sirians. Too little vegetable food and too little fruit or an excess of animal products has exactly the opposite effect, according to their discovery, namely a sluggishness of thought and slower reactions as well as a certain irascibility, easily angered and in some cases an uncontrollable wildness, which often degenerate into senseless aggressions; a way, which is also not exactly desired.

It's not a good idea to draw comparisons to fantasy fiction film narratives but in this case in the film Warcraft 2016, this dietary balance between races plays an important role in the progression of the narrative and is demonstrated well. There are big heavy sluggish meat eating human orcs who rely on their strength in combat and much smaller regular humans who therefore and resultingly have to rely on being clever in combat. A vegetarian race in such a situation by comparison would have no place. This is why the Plejaren recommend that races do not soften themselves too quickly by changing over to a vegan diet immediately over one generation.

Influences in Earth History

  • Assisted the education of several prophets of truth, truth bringers, through more recent Earth history, see Event Timeline for perspective on the term recent.
  • Some level of protection for and on behalf of Earth, from interstellar aggression and intrigues.[6]
  • Deported from Earth and subsequently imprisoned the Giza Intelligences (The Bafath) in 1978.[7]
  • Decreased the orbital period of The Destroyer comet, from 575.5 to 1180 years, at some time during the 20th century. Then later on redirected it entirely, so that it will never again threaten the Earth with another great flood,[8] see The Great Deluge.
  • Prevented testing of a weapon of mass destruction that would have destroyed the Earth within a few seconds, in the 20th century.
  • Established and now continuously conducting the Peace Meditation, since 1983, which has helped end some political confusion, ending certain dictatorships and averting WW3.[9] World War 4 if the Seven Years' War is included in the listing.
  • Assisted telepathically, with impulses, see Spirit Teaching, to instil certain cognitions leading to the discovery of technical and medical inventions that were needed at that present time.[10] We would have got past oil in the 20th century were the economics not great.[citation needed]

Communication with Earth humans

As the situation belongs to reality and not fantasy, most normal individuals will be delighted to learn that any communication with any other persons except Eduard are totally, wholly and entirely impossible. Actually to be technically accurate there is a very small possibility for it, but the prerequisites are so steep that we can easily see none of us are up to it.[11] And individuals who have studied the information for a few years all confess their own inability to meet even the basic level of the prerequisites.[12]

We are all delighted by the fact because we can all already see by our own individual look at the world that this type of arrangement is not occurring is it, we can all verify it.[13]

Usually the fact [that communication is impossible] puts a big smile on normal individuals faces, because needless to really explain, it demonstrates that we are explaining the nature of reality here and not wasting any of our time explaining the nature of science-fiction and fantasy, see Why Billy Meier.

There are however, having said all that, instances of impulse telepathic communication since 1844 and even documented full on conversations, various interactions, even if in isolation, but you would have already known that - which you will find as you research the Billy Meier case more, but these are exceptionally rare and most of them have been included in the Contact Reports. Though to be fair they’ve spent more time and energy explaining the communications which have never existed and are frauds, and only a very small amount of time with the genuine instances, simply because there isn’t much there to talk about. It’s not advertised at the front of the Billy Meier case because there is also the possibility that the explanations may be blended and mixed up, confused with regular schizophrenia delusions and imaginary secondary personality complexes, disorders and various brain calibration oddities. This section has been written this way because there was a stupid contactee industry for a while. Study the Billy Meier case for a decade and then these matters will look different.

Further Reading



  1. Contact Report 257
  2. not human in nature or character
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Contact Statistics
  4. FIGU Bulletin 59
  5. Message from the Pleiades, Volume 1, Page 226
  6. Contact Report 424 - "for a long time, we were not able to watch altogether everything pertaining to flights of beings foreign to earth."
    "The fact is, that since 1800 until now 2006 the flying objects observed from outer space solely belonged to us Plejarens and the five others mentioned who joined our federation and those we could not contact and have remained foreign to us."
  7. Giza Intelligences
  8. The Destroyer
  9. Contact Report 136
  10. Contact Report 003
  11. Why Billy Meier
  12. Why Billy Meier
  13. Why Billy Meier