Category:Photos and Images - FIGU and Billy Meier

From Billy Meier

These photos and/or images are related to or originate from FIGU ( and/or Billy Meier. Sourced from places such as publications e.g. Contact Reports, FIGU Bulletins, FIGU Special Bulletins, FIGU Zeitzeichen and Books etc., and likely have a description if in the Photo Gallery.

They may also appear in Art Gallery see Category:Photos and Images - Art Gallery if they are artistically created.

The photos have also been sorted into collections in the following categories: FIGU, SSSC and Billy Meier, People, Symbols, Books, Evidence, Other and the Art Gallery has been sorted this way too Category view: Art Gallery. You may also use the wiki tools Special:NewFiles or Special:ListFiles to view all uploaded files, if you please.

  • Z1Buttons-BEAMFIGUSSSC.gif

  • Z2Buttons-PEOPLE.gif

  • Z3Buttons-SYMBOLS.gif

  • Z4Buttons-BOOKS.gif

  • Z5Buttons-EVIDENCE.gif

  • Z6Buttons-ART.gif

  • Z7Buttons-OTHER.gif


Media in category "Photos and Images - FIGU and Billy Meier"

The following 200 files are in this category, out of 378 total.

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